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Jun '09
Explosive 4-player action BBaller // 12:07 // 5 replies
All the way down in the deepest darkest dullest place, and still you rise.

What you are about to see is top secret governmental information. I was given permission to share it with you, free of charge, in exchange for one of my lungs. I now sit here in agony as you look at the following:

His bloodied hand burst through the soil, and from his grave he rose.

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Mar '09
greenTech BBaller // 01:26 // 0 replies
by Mr. Chubigans

I downloaded this game, and I could not put it down. 16 difficult levels that will have you, at times, swearing at yourself. I haven't played many games recently, but this one had me hooked.

Each level is like a puzzle. But figuring out the puzzle is only half the battle. Once you realize how a level has to be beaten, you actually have to DO IT. That's where the fun comes in and upon completion, you will probably feel very satisfied because you know what you just did wasn't easy.

Anyway, download this game. It'll rock your socks off (or cause a mental breakdown due to its difficulty).


0 replies »

Oct '08
A story about Pebble, the little spider that got lost BBaller // 00:56 // 9 replies
woah.. despite my long absence from this blog, i have in fact been up to a few things.  Ummmmmm..... .. .  .   . not much else to say.  The images are pretty self explanatory, but ill give a short description of each for those not entirely sure what theyre looking at.

An old guitar

A frisbee on top of a bed

A picture from my trip to Pluto this past Summer

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Aug '08
Fortune Cookies BBaller // 05:20 // 4 replies
Through the dark blue material, a magnet weakly attracts a plastic name badge holder.  The holder sits just over my heart, a bit to the left.  In that holder, a piece of paper says my name, and promises that I will take care of your business.  But it's not what this little paper says that is important.  Over the past few weeks, 3 fortune cookie fortunes have accumulated behind that name badge, viewable to noone but I.

The shortest of the three, in the largest font size, says: "YOUR COURAGE WILL REWARD YOU"  No exclamation point or anything.. just straight up.  So I kept it.  That's a good one to keep, I think.

The next one says, in slightly smaller writing, but still in CAPS: "MANY PEOPLE ARE SEEKING YOU FOR YOUR SOUND ADVICE"  I like to think this is one is already true, tho.  But by keeping it, I'm just amplifying its truth.

Alright, now we're at the good part, this is the part you should have anxiously been anticipating.  The third and final fortune cookie fortune, the most recent of them all.  This one, in a point size in between the other two, states with confidence: "A THRILLING TIME IS IN YOUR IMMEDIATE FUTURE"  Oh fuck ya!!  Alright, so without a doubt I kept that one.  It said "immediate" alright... I know you would keep it, too.

Except that was nearly 3 hours ago, and I've gotta get back to work.  Nonetheless, that was one of the best fortune cookie fortunes of all time.  I even ate half the cookie, yo.

4 replies »

Jul '08
KaZzAm KaBoOm SwIsH BBaller // 08:19 // 7 replies
Wooooo! my second entry of 2008.. this is great, im on schedule for a whopping 3 blog entries this year.  Tonight i write.  I write because there's stuff going on behind the scenes at eo, and although the community seems.. dead, theres actually a lot of things people are working on.  Hopefully we can get some stuff out to the public this year so you can see im not just bee essing you (whoever you may be).

There's a little competition being held over here, and ive got a little game in the works for it.  its got bumble bees and flying saucers, so its bound to be all right, right?

If you haven't read The Kite Runner, start reading.  I'm about to read A Thousand Splendid Suns by the same author.  Supposedly this book is just as good as the other.  There's also a movie of the Kite Runner.... but it probly won't make u cry.

Shadow of the Colossus was amazing.  It's a game you've gotta experience by yourself to really enjoy, to immerse yourself into.  I recently beat the game.  Thank god for the internet and online walkthroughs =)

Anyways, gamewise right now i'm just working on the bee game i was talking about.  So far, it's still all on paper only.  Until next time, amigos.

7 replies »

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