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Dec '10
Black Ops BBaller // 19:39 // 3 replies
I'm interested to know what you all think about Call of Duty: Black Ops. I thought the Single Player Campaign didn't have the same punch that Modern Warfare 2 had, but in hindsight, some of the missions were pretty cool. It's possible I had other things on my mind while playing the game because when I think about it, there was a lot of originality in there, from directing your troops on the ground from outer space to protecting the ground troops from a helicopter in the final mission. The story was confusing as hell, but it finally got interesting when things started coming together towards the end of the game. The ending didn't leave me wanting more like the end of MW2 did. I might have to play it a second time to really appreciate it.

Anyway, I think the multiplayer is where it's at once again. The interface is slick in this one. I kick ass so that helps. My PSN name is glueka. Add me.

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Jul '10
Random bit of wisdom BBaller // 23:04 // 2 replies
As far as games go, i think sometimes less.. is more. Even if the game you're making is really complex and it's got a whole bunch of cool features that you're really proud of coding (or whatever), you have to try to make it look as simple as possible. The last thing you want is the player to be confused or intimidated by your creation.

All you need to do is look at most commercial games to see this bit of wisdom in action. In indie games, where the creator has less credibility and the user is more likely to give up on your game for the slightest reason, it is even more important that your game is as user friendly as possible.

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Jul '10
Pop Shizzle BBaller // 02:19 // 2 replies
I have a rush of game making energy that's flowing through my body right now. It started a few days ago, and steadily has built to the point where I don't want to stop.

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Sep '09
avenged sevenfold BBaller // 23:28 // 0 replies
AAAAHHHH! Done with school FINALLY, it was a tough week due to all my procrastination, but I made it. I always love that last day of a quarter particularly that second when the last class is released.  Now one whole week off which I will dedicate to finding a new job to get some cash flowing in. bills to pay and a life to live, a job is crucial in this day and age. you can't be dependent on others, it doesn't lead to good things.

Gamewise, i put up a website for Home Base! You can check out all sorts of info about the game and download a free demo at playhomebase.com My first website up and running on my own domain. it felt great it was always a dream of mine to have a website dedicated to one of my games. a former member of eo actually made a donation to support the game, and i used the funds to set up the website. it's funny what a long way a kind act can go.

I'm really excited to get that game off my chest and start working on some new titles! Go back to my gaming roots. cuz im a creator and a gamer at heart.

Release info is coming soon, and i'll keep you updated on this blog. The jist of it is that you will be able to pre-order Home Base for $2.99 through the whole month of October leading up to the release of the game on November 1st at which point the game will go on sale for $4.99

until next time readers

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Sep '09
Home Base Update BBaller // 00:05 // 0 replies

For those of you who have been following the development of Home Base, and hopefully there's a few of you out there :) , I'm happy to announce that the game will finally be released on November 1, 2009.

I've set up a page on Kickstarter, where you can pre-order a copy of the game for only $5. All profits from pre-orders go straight into funding the creation of a website for further distribution of the game. You can even buy a copy of the game on CD if you wish.

Click Here for screenshots, gameplay video, and purchase details.


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