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Ablach Blackrat
May '08
Paper Flight - Unlockables Screen Ablach Blackrat // 00:43 // 1 reply
Just a teaser of some of the unlockable plane parts in Paper Flight (this wing design was based on the Shadow Fighters from Babylon 5)...

Over at Yoyo Games the chief complaint about Paper Flight was that the races were too slow.  Of course they are; it's paper airplanes after all.  But earning trophies will allow the player to access new wing and aileron designs to give their plane extra boosts of speed and reduce the turning radius.  That's where the speed comes in.  You just need to play the game on extreme and see how fast the AI planes move to see what I mean.

I've also completed work on the Trophy Room (looks different the previous shots).  There are 10 floors holding 72 trophies each, for a total of 720 trophies.  Also, the 11th floor is going to be a special achievement room to hold trophies for completing certain tasks in the game (not just the races, but the mini-games as well).  Hopefully all that will be enough to keep people interested in the game.

And lastly, I'm going to try to implement a condition weather system for the races...Random, Clear, Night, Rain, and Winter.  It won't affect the races, but it'll break up the monotony of the tracks all looking the same.

Oh yeah, the weight shown in the picture isn't correct; that'll change for the final game.

1 reply »

Ablach Blackrat
May '08
Paper Flight - Trophy Room Screenshots Ablach Blackrat // 03:23 // 4 replies
I decided to get ambitious on the Trophy Room for Paper Flight.  It was just going to be a 2D menu style scrolling type, with all the trophies in nice neat lines across the screen.  But I decided, since the rest of the game is 3D, why not make the Trophy Room 3D as well?  It's basically a multi-story building showing a set number of trophies on each level.  Soothing classical music will play as you stroll around, admiring your achievements.  You can even take in the...um, highly detailed fountain and sculpture in the middle or watch the fishies swimming in said fountain.  Okay, I got a lot of work to do to that sculpture, but you get the idea.

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Ablach Blackrat
Apr '08
Paper Flight Screenshot - fly around in Hell Ablach Blackrat // 21:38 // 4 replies

Fly around in Hell collecting souls as columns of erupting lava try to burn your plane.  I need to work on those ghosts some more and try to make the columns of lava look more columns of lava and less like cylinders going up and down.

But this will make 6 of 7 mini games done.  The seventh and final will be the big one (could be a stand alone game by itself).  Also, the high score list is done.  All that's left after that is the plane model unlockables and creating about fifty or so different trophies for the player to win.  So, another 3 years or so. :)

4 replies »

Ablach Blackrat
Apr '08
New Paperflight Screenshot Ablach Blackrat // 03:25 // 1 reply
Another mini-game shot from Paper Flight.  Collect coins and avoid being squashed flat by giant pistons coming out of the walls.  Shares the same perspective as the previous mini-game screen shot I put up, but they are the only two out of seven that do.  Four are the same perspective as the racing game and the seventh and final is a three quarters top down view.  You'll have to wait to see what that one is though.

1 reply »

Ablach Blackrat
Mar '08
New Screenshot for Paper Flight Ablach Blackrat // 02:35 // 7 replies
There didn't seem to be much interest for the demo of Paper Flight over at the GMC so I thought I would start posting some screenshots here as I make the game in hopes of interesting people.  Here's a shot of the second mini-game, called 'The Pit'...

So far, I've completed all 18 race tracks of the game and 2 of 7 mini games.  I've already decided to ditch having separate obstacle courses and mini games and just concentrate on the mini games instead.  Three will be available at the start of the game, with four being unlockable.  As well these will be around 50 of so unique trophies to be won, with an area set aside to display them.  I'm still debating whether or not to have the trophy room as a 3D room that you can walk around in.

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