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Ablach Blackrat
Apr '08
Paper Flight Screenshot - fly around in Hell Ablach Blackrat // 21:38 // 4 replies

Fly around in Hell collecting souls as columns of erupting lava try to burn your plane.  I need to work on those ghosts some more and try to make the columns of lava look more columns of lava and less like cylinders going up and down.

But this will make 6 of 7 mini games done.  The seventh and final will be the big one (could be a stand alone game by itself).  Also, the high score list is done.  All that's left after that is the plane model unlockables and creating about fifty or so different trophies for the player to win.  So, another 3 years or so. :)

Comments Comments
Apr '08
Re: Paper Flight Screenshot - fly around in Hell CosMind // 22:16
absolutely just simply wonderfully awesome, dude :)

Apr '08
Re: Paper Flight Screenshot - fly around in Hell clysm // 22:25
That looks very nice. I just imagined a grassy pastoral scene with healthy trees that unexpectedly shifts to this as you fly along (grass becomes lava, trees become dead trees, sky darkens and reddens, etc.).

Apr '08
Re: Paper Flight Screenshot - fly around in Hell ChevyRay // 22:49
You seriously are going all out on this. I love the sky, nice stuff :D

Apr '08
Re: Paper Flight Screenshot - fly around in Hell Ablach Blackrat // 23:31
I've already changed the columns of fire to sprites that expand.  They look much better know, although I'm having a problem with collision detection.  If I can't figure it out in the next couple days I may have to swallow my pride and ask for help (er...again).

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