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Ablach Blackrat
May '08
Paper Flight - Trophy Room Screenshots Ablach Blackrat // 03:23 // 4 replies
I decided to get ambitious on the Trophy Room for Paper Flight.  It was just going to be a 2D menu style scrolling type, with all the trophies in nice neat lines across the screen.  But I decided, since the rest of the game is 3D, why not make the Trophy Room 3D as well?  It's basically a multi-story building showing a set number of trophies on each level.  Soothing classical music will play as you stroll around, admiring your achievements.  You can even take in the...um, highly detailed fountain and sculpture in the middle or watch the fishies swimming in said fountain.  Okay, I got a lot of work to do to that sculpture, but you get the idea.

Comments Comments
May '08
Re: Paper Flight - Trophy Room Screenshots Deadheat // 06:27
Hah, that looks great. Looks like it'll make it alot more enjoyable strolling around admiring your trophies aswell!  :)

May '08
Re: Paper Flight - Trophy Room Screenshots Eden // 07:15
Love the LSD vibe.

May '08
Re: Paper Flight - Trophy Room Screenshots Ablach Blackrat // 03:28
And here I thought I would be struggling to find a way of putting the trophies on the walls.  Time to create the room: 3 days.  Time to devise method of putting up trophies: 10 minutes (not an actual trophy by the way)...

I wish the rest of the game had gone as smoothly as that.

Love the LSD vibe.


May '08
Re: Paper Flight - Trophy Room Screenshots Eden // 12:03
Oh, LSD, a playstation game.

Some of the screens you posted remind me of it.

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