You know you've been playing Braid too much when you go back to play testing the current game you are working on, make a move you didn't want to do and automatically press 'shift' to reverse time. Took me a day to get that out of my system. :D
By the way, if you haven't bought Braid yet, what are you waiting for? Easily one the best games I've ever played. And the ending blew my mind. I was sitting there watching it play out and I got chills; literally. It was that good.
Sep '09
Sep '09
I've found it a challenge to describe the game to some people, depending on their background. "It's kind of like an artsy Super Mario Bros. with time manipulation and a strange story."
Sep '09
I still have to play it. I really want to.
Sep '09
It's pretty mind blowing, especially if you haven't seen any gameplay videos before.
Sep '09
Ugh I suck suck suck at puzzle games though. I mostly want to play it for the art and story I keep hearing about. I do like cool game mechanics, but I'm one of those people who can't even open his own ibuprofein container, nevermind beat games like Myst or Braid.
Artwork sometimes looks amazing, sometimes look kinda ugly to my eye. What's the music like in that game? I don't hear much... or anything about that, really.
Artwork sometimes looks amazing, sometimes look kinda ugly to my eye. What's the music like in that game? I don't hear much... or anything about that, really.
Sep '09
I generally suck at puzzle games and give up on them quickly but Braid was designed differently. It starts you off fairly easy and does a gently slope towards difficult in the later levels. I had some trouble with the last two worlds but kept at it. The nice thing is that the puzzles make sense. And in each world you have a different ability to control time.
The music is all classical. I found it helped to soothe frayed nerves while completing the upper levels. And even the music reverses when you reverse time. Makes for some interesting stuff.
The music is all classical. I found it helped to soothe frayed nerves while completing the upper levels. And even the music reverses when you reverse time. Makes for some interesting stuff.
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