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Horace and the Spiders

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Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Shaltif // 06:10
I bet you still use two spaces after every period (full stop), just like in ye olde typewriter days?
Now you just made me feel old.  Amazing what 4 years can do.

CAPITAL I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sense a bit of sarcasm with this statement.


Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 10:44
Well it might look dumb, but it's correct.
English language? Correct :P Nobody sets the rules and you know it. English language is exactly how we say, write, and speak it. That's how new words and new grammatical usages come into existence.

So maybe I look dumb now, BUT GUESS WHO LOOKS OLD! ;)

There's a difference between expanding the language, and blatent disregard for correct syntax, you pesky young rascal.  Despite what you dodgy foreigners think, there are rules. 

The apostrophe you used denotes posession, not plural.

YOU MUST OBEY THE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Jabberwock // 16:32
There's a difference between expanding the language, and blatent disregard for correct syntax, you pesky young rascal.  Despite what you dodgy foreigners think, there are rules. 

Unfortunately, I think we "dodgy foreigners" vastly outnumber you in this little group. Not that we need that to win a fight (see American Revolutionary War, 1775-1781). :P

All irrational American loyalty aside, though, I have to side with Pug on this one. If I were to write it, I'd probably say DSes. Any way you slice it, though, it's sort of dumb. I don't think the English language gods ever thought we'd try to pluralize acronyms.

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day CosMind // 20:31
you're all wrong!

nintendo's official documentation always refers with "DS hardware units" or "DS units".

(basically, they cheap out and skirt the issue altogether)

Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 21:53
you're all wrong!

nintendo's official documentation always refers with "DS hardware units" or "DS units".

(basically, they cheap out and skirt the issue altogether)

Maybe, like me, they searched the internet and could only find the following examples: PCs, CPUs, UFOs.  None of them actually end in S. 

Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 21:56

Anyway, back on topic.

Who are these apparently noseless individuals?  How do they smell?  What's their game?  I must say I find the lack of a nose slightly disturbing.  I think it's because apart from that they look pretty much totally human, so my brain is processing them as defective humans, rather than some entirely different species.

Feb '08
Re: It's a good day HiVE // 00:14
How do they smell?

Must... not... pun...

Feb '08
Re: It's a good day ChevyRay // 05:48

Anyway, back on topic.

Who are these apparently noseless individuals?  How do they smell?  What's their game?  I must say I find the lack of a nose slightly disturbing.  I think it's because apart from that they look pretty much totally human, so my brain is processing them as defective humans, rather than some entirely different species.
Well if I wasn't so crappy at drawing, maybe I could make them look a little more convincing :P but to myself, no-nose looked a lot better than horribly drawn ones.

I did another one, but I'm tired of it, so I don't know if I'll pursue it any further.

Feb '08
Re: It's a good day CosMind // 19:17
Well if I wasn't so crappy at drawing, maybe I could make them look a little more convincing :P but to myself, no-nose looked a lot better than horribly drawn ones.

I did another one, but I'm tired of it, so I don't know if I'll pursue it any further.

first of all, i'm often jealous of your pixel-drawing skills.

secondly, here's a 5-pixel suggestion :) (which isn't necessary at all - but, i'm offering just in case)

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