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Ark 22

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Jan '08
It's a good day ChevyRay // 16:45
Aye, it is a good day, like the title says. A very good one, which will be a nice contrast to these past couple weeks. I've been an irksome twat, but no longer.

Today I travel to get my computer back, all repaired and improved, bigger hard-drive and all running clean again.
Today, I also get my PSP, to add to the household collection... PS3, Wii, two DS's, Super Nintendo, and a Gamecube. Hopefullly, in awhile, we will be able to add an XBox 360 to this, but that'll have to be later on, maybe the summer.

So Today, Today should be a good day. Other than that, I'm re-playing Cave Story now, hard-run this time, as I've never done it. And, for those of you I have not already given a sneak peak to, a bit more of what I'm currently working on...

Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 01:01
irksome twat

Quality coarse language. ;D

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Jabberwock // 06:14
Today I travel to get my computer back, all repaired and improved, bigger hard-drive and all running clean again.
Today, I also get my PSP, to add to the household collection... PS3, Wii, two DS's, Super Nintendo, and a Gamecube.
You lucky dog. I have a rather crappy computer, a Nintendo 64 with malfunctioning controllers, and a broken PS2.

Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 12:27
two DS's

It might be a good day for you, but it's not a good day for apostrophes....  :P

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day ChevyRay // 12:29
Haha, to tell the truth, I argued with myself over that one for several minutes before settling with "DS's". I just couldn't write DSs, it looked dumb.

Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 18:00
Haha, to tell the truth, I argued with myself over that one for several minutes before settling with "DS's". I just couldn't write DSs, it looked dumb.

Well it might look dumb, but it's correct.

I'm afraid you are the one who looks dumb now!  BWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAhahahhahaaaaaaaaaa.....

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Shaltif // 18:27
My English/grammar was never the best, but wouldn't it be correct to do DSes (or es ending)?  Such as in cases like classes, gases, boxes, watches, etc.


Pug Fugly
Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Pug Fugly // 18:44
My English/grammar was never the best, but wouldn't it be correct to do DSes (or es ending)?  Such as in cases like classes, gases, boxes, watches, etc.


Maybe.  Certainly no apostrophe though...... :)

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day Chronic // 21:10
CAPITAL I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan '08
Re: It's a good day ChevyRay // 03:31
Well it might look dumb, but it's correct.
English language? Correct :P Nobody sets the rules and you know it. English language is exactly how we say, write, and speak it. That's how new words and new grammatical usages come into existence.

So maybe I look dumb now, BUT GUESS WHO LOOKS OLD! ;)

Maybe.  Certainly no apostrophe though......
OH, and while we're being Mr. Picky, how about all those dots at the end of your sentence? What are those supposed to signify?

I bet you still use two spaces after every period (full stop), just like in ye olde typewriter days? ;D

(I'm in a better mood, but it sure didn't stop me from being a twat! :D)

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