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Clean Asia!
Clean Asia!
Go for the eyes!
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Reviewed by
ChevyRay ChevyRay

Last Update


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In this game, all the eyes of mankind have taken over Thailand, North Korea, and China. Two American pilots, who are describes as having "extraordinary sixth senses" as thty don't have eyes, are sent to wipe out the threat.

While you can only choose between two different fighters in this game, which feels mostly like a shoot-em-up, but the severe difference between playing these two characters makes up for the lack. One pilot can thrust into enemies, and can then suck up the broken enemy pieces and shoot those. He can also suck up other objects. The second pilot can shoot (though his ammo is limited), release a big blast, or use a shield.

The game is quite difficult at first, but offers a very expressional, fun experience. The very nice and fitting sounds top the unique graphics style off nicely, and the replay value is comfortably suited for its arcade-ish genre.
With such a small character, it's easy to avoid the multitude of bullets enemies launch at you... if you can find where you are on the screen, that is.

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