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Gythol Granditti
Gythol Granditti
Damn that drunk Dolph Dombardo!
Created by
GZ Storm

Reviewed by
Pondwater Pondwater

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Role Playing

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I found it a little easy to overlook since the author didn't provide other details other than just numerical scores (which most us wouldn't rely on anyway), and other than a unique name.

The artwork is nothing absolutely fantastic, but I did think the developers put a lot of effort in trying their best to polish things up and add details here and there, which I sincerely worth recognition.

I haven't played too far in yet, so I can't comment much on the story (a very crucial element in RPG's), but it's sufficient to sustain you. And, another commendable point is the programming - it's smooth, as I found it, with many areas carefully considered - especially the message windows and options menu.

It was quite unfortunate the number of posts received are few for the number of hours put in. It certainly isn't a piece of slip-shot work, as I found it. Very few RPG's were actually completed in GM, and those that were very seldom were worth playing.

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