Dec '06
Long time, no blog. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make my own deadline of November 19th for completing Home Base, but progress has been made on it nonetheless. Solid-Notes has nearly finished all the tracks for the game (this is one thing that I am really happy about). The level editor is complete (aside from loading custom levels). The menu is complete (aside from the help and credits sections). The actual gameplay is nearly complete.... I need to code a bunch of objects that will be unique to the level editor... meaning that how well you do in the game enables you to use special objects on your own levels. There's also just a whole bunch of little touches that I want to put in, but keep putting off. My goal now is to finish the game before Christmas.
Dec '06
Good call with the level editor unlockables; a bonus if I ever heard one, sounds good! Good luck, hope you meet your updated deadline ;)
Dec '06
Hi, Our Japanese teachers are riveted by your Kanji game, and want to Know if there is Some way they/we can insert their own range of obviously the number of Kanji studied varies from exam to exam and from country to country depending. on the curriculum creators' whims.
Cheers Barry
Cheers Barry
Dec '06
You know that is an excellent idea, but it's hard for me to find the time to sit down and improve the kanji program. I can see how that would be very useful, however. I've wanted to expand on the program, but haven't had time.
Just to clarify, by "insert their own range of Kanji" do you mean selecting specific kanji from the program and using only those in a lesson/quiz? If so, that is very doable, I'll put it on my "to do" list.
Just to clarify, by "insert their own range of Kanji" do you mean selecting specific kanji from the program and using only those in a lesson/quiz? If so, that is very doable, I'll put it on my "to do" list.
Dec '06
I imagine they would want to load their own selection of Kanji which aren't currently supported, as this would enable them to use the 'skeleton' of your program to teach all sorts of different Kanji, rather than the number and selection currently hardcoded in. You should definitely go back it at some point - I'm a big fan.
Don't worry about deadlines though, they're just for fun. Get me - I don't even publish mine. That's how to be on target, right? :P
Don't worry about deadlines though, they're just for fun. Get me - I don't even publish mine. That's how to be on target, right? :P
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