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Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Yellow Monkey // 19:11
Ultimortal, consider a game like Oblivion. The draw distances are essential in the game. You see that fort way out in the distance? You can go run up to it and find treasure. You couldn?t do that on the Wii. Morrowind was on the Xbox which is slightly less powerful and it had heavy fog. It doesn't cost $350 more, it costs $50 more ($300-$250=$50).

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Yellow Monkey // 19:11
Ultimortal, consider a game like Oblivion. The draw distances are essential in the game. You see that fort way out in the distance? You can go run up to it and find treasure. You couldn?t do that on the Wii. Morrowind was on the Xbox which is slightly less powerful and it had heavy fog. It doesn't cost $350 more, it costs $50 more ($300-$250=$50).

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Yellow Monkey // 19:14
I never heard anything about Nintendo having the intent to release the Wii at $200. If you could provide a link for me that would be awesome. The reason the 360 has load times is because there's room for more data in relation to the CPU power so its going to take longer to move it from the disc to the RAM.

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Yellow Monkey // 19:17
I don't understand, you want the AI to be DUMBER? Finding out the AIs patterns is really fun. The problem is after you find out their pattern the game becomes simple and boring. It seems like you would be entertained longer if the AI adapted to your tactics, forcing you to adapt, and so on. Infinite replaybility.

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 BBaller // 19:42
I definately agree with your last post YM.  If the developer is willing to code complicated AI code, he needs to make sure it adapts to the way the player plays, otherwise it will become repetitive.  That's why a lot of games are coming out with multiplayer modes, though.  You can use the single player mode to have a great gaming experience the first times(s), but then if you want to take it to the next level, you must play multiplayer.

How are we supposed to email you if your email is hi@hi.com???  It must suck to have to put it in each time, heh. =P

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 CosMind // 19:50
I never heard anything about Nintendo having the intent to release the Wii at $200. If you could provide a link for me that would be awesome.

from a cnn report.  peep the 4th bulletpoint down on the linked page:


...consider a game like Oblivion. The draw distances are essential in the game. You see that fort way out in the distance? You can go run up to it and find treasure. You couldn?t do that on the Wii...

it hardly takes a 360/ps3 to pull off large-scale, immersive worlds.  what it takes is a team of masterful programmers and artists who fully understand the hardware that they are working with.

look at games like the legend of zelda: the wind waker, dragon quest 8, final fantasy xii, rogue galaxy, et al.
each of these presents huge immersive worlds that achieve exactly what you proposed, albeit on "old and inferior" hardware.  and they're just a few examples.  and you'll be very, very surprised at how large and immersive the world of legend of zelda: twilight princess (both ngc and wii) looks/feels.

i recently saw oblivion for the first time.  now, i'll admit that it was technilogically impressive.  but, i hardly found it visually appealing.  it all boils down to the artists and programmers involved, and their ability to conjure and realize an inspired and cohesive vision.

Matt Thorson
Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Matt Thorson // 20:19
i by no means feel it will be a "detriment" to the wii.  and by no means do i feel it will be less than excellent.  but, i do by all means know that it controls much better on the gamecube.  it was designed and built for that console, and then ported to the wii in the last 6 months.

I have read many reports saying the exact opposite of that statement.  Have you played both versions?

It seems retarded to me that a huge company like Nintendo would do a shovelware job for their biggest launch title (one that will move systems).  Even if the GC version wasn't delayed because of they needed the resources for the Wii version, I would not doubt for a second that the dev team's main priority was the Wii version from the moment it was decided that it would appear on both consoles.

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Yellow Monkey // 20:47
I've played Dragon Quest VIII and the FFXII Demo and it just isn't the same. In Oblivion the landscape goes on for MILES. It isn't a barren landscape, there's trees and grass and animals all around you.

Besides, how would the Wii pull off a game like Dead Rising? How about Kameo? Gears of War? It couldn't do any of those.

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 CosMind // 22:09
Besides, how would the Wii pull off a game like Dead Rising? How about Kameo? Gears of War? It couldn't do any of those.

the only one it couldn't do would be dead rising.  it would need the obvious boost in computational horsepower to run all those characters at once.

but, both kameo and gears of war could run on the wii.  of course, they wouldn't be as visually advanced on a technological level.  but, the games could be pretty much the same, and look beautiful in their own right.  again, those are two cases where art direction and masterful artists come into play.  i personally don't think the art direction in gears of war is appealing, even if it is technologically advanced.  and the gameplay itself definitelydoesn't require anything next gen to run.  ditto for kameo.

Have you played both versions?

nope, i've only played the ngc rev.  but, i have a few friends that have played both.  not a one of them prefers the wii control over the cube's.

It seems retarded to me that a huge company like Nintendo would do a shovelware job for their biggest launch title (one that will move systems).

first, you aren't reading any of my posts closely.  previously i mentioned that i did not believe it to be "shovelware".  i am simply saying that i feel the ngc version controls better.  and, your parenthetical ref regarding moving systems - yeah, exactly why nintendo delayed the ngc version.  resource shifting is not a viable cause for such a delay.  marketing is.

again, please don't read into my statements as saying the wii version will stink.  i'll say it once more - "the legend of zelda: twilight princess for the nintendo wii home entertainment system will be excellent."  but, for me, the control will be optimal on the game cube version (which still plays on the wii with a game cube controller).

Nov '06
Re: Torn between Wii and 360 Yellow Monkey // 22:34
Kameo has instances with thousands of enemies at once on screen. You keep throwing around art direction. They both have art direction! Guess what? Part of the art direction is the graphics! Gears of War's hyper-detailed and vast art direction couldn't be done on the Wii. Nor could its AI, or the massive firefights.

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