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RunMan: Race Around the World

Comments Comments
Sep '06
Woah BBaller // 19:57
Who wouldn't want one of these, huh?

Made in photoshop for a gift card assignment.

Pug Fugly
Sep '06
Re: Woah Pug Fugly // 20:29
Basketball = worst sport ever.

Actually not quite as bad as Formula 1 or Baseball....


Sep '06
Re: Woah BBaller // 20:38
I've have now lost all respect for you.

Sep '06
Re: Woah Wolverine // 21:26
Basketball = worst sport ever.

Actually not quite as bad as Formula 1 or Baseball....


Nothing's as bad as 'professional' football (soccer)

Oct '06
Re: Woah BBaller // 01:05
I gotta give soccer this:  there are some spectacular goals, and some of the dribbling skills people have are amazing.  I watch soccer clips on you tube every once in a while.  Plus, goals are so rare, that when they happen its exciting.

Oct '06
Re: Woah Wolverine // 01:18
I gotta give soccer this:  there are some spectacular goals, and some of the dribbling skills people have are amazing.  I watch soccer clips on you tube every once in a while.  Plus, goals are so rare, that when they happen its exciting.

Maybe, but the time between each goal is the most boring piece of crap I have to sit through... It's by far my most hated spectator sport, not just cos of the game itself but the fact ya seem to have to worship it if you're a guy living in England...

Oct '06
Re: Woah Quimp // 01:53
"ya seem to have to worship it if you're a guy living in England..."


I like pretty much every sport when I'm on the field, but watching games is another story. You can tell how good a sport is by the amount of beer you can have while watching. Hockey is my top list but I must admit that I've never sit to watch BB.

Oct '06
Re: Woah JakeX // 23:50
I think all sports are equally dull, so... yeah.

As for the image - clever idea, but it could look a little better.

Oct '06
Re: Woah Scooternew // 03:52
I love watching football and lacrosse the most, and I love playing soccer and lacrosse. I actually play varsity lacrosse, so that's probably why, but it's just an amazing sport. It has the physicality of football/hockey but is nonstop - always action, dodging, nonstop - but not the monotonous repetition of soccer.

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