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RunMan: Race Around the World

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Aug '06
Big night of TV BBaller // 01:57
The line up's loaded tonight, we got the Emmy awards, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.  I'm probably gonna watch the Emmy's because Conan O'Brien is hosting, hilarious dude.  Plus Star Wars is on Fox, which doesn't come in very clear on my TV, don't have cable.  I could always play some Xbox, as I want to finish KOTOR already.  Many decisions (both in KOTOR, and regarding this evening), I'm not sure what to do.

I had an interview today at a CompUSA, which is a computer store here in the States.  It went pretty well, and I think I will get the job.  I'm looking forward to being around electronics a bit more, and working on my people skills.

I bought a basketball today, as my other ones all went flat long ago, and my recent one got stolen (about time as I had been leaving it at the gym after work).  It's a nice Wilson indoor/outdoor ball that feels really good, I gave it test run when I got back from the interview.

My remake of Kabuki Quantum Fighter ended about last week, and I'm gonna show the two of you reading this blog what I have done (feel privelaged!):  Feel free to hook up a gamepad for the little gameplay that is there.  The controls are pretty basic: X and Z are action keys, ARROW keys to move, SPACE to change weapon.  F2 pauses the game, ENTER goes to the next level, and CTRL goes to the level complete screen.

Quantum Fighter

I don't have much other news.  I guess now I can start focusing on finishing my puzzle game Home Base.  I'm looking forward to that.

Aug '06
Re: Big night of TV Quimp // 18:10
Error reading real. real() function is more reliable than real file reading. :P I gave the game a quick glance because I'm in a hurry and I must say that for the little I have seen, it's impressive. The collision on the "triangles" is quite buggy though, as seen in this screeny: http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/6832/quantumjd0.png

Aug '06
Re: Big night of TV Quimp // 18:12
Also, is the intro finished? The two first parts were narrated, then the first one played in loop, and at the end of the intro the game ended. I'll give the game a more in-deep look when I have some free time. When will the winners be announced? I had to shorten every comments I left on this site. This time I'll double post intead.

Aug '06
Re: Big night of TV BBaller // 18:43
The competition results will be announced in December, so it's a ways off still.  I know Pug Fugly will definately have his entry ready, but I'm not sure how other members from eo are doing.  The site is remakes.org

No, the intro is not finished.  I was planning to have some friends record the dialogue for me once I got the script finished, and then have Ds make a track that went at the pace of dialogue.  We haven't been able to do either of these things, though.

Ah yes, swinging on those things is not done yet.  That is an integral part of the gameplay, and I actually do plan on giving it a try just to see if I could do it.  I'll see about that error also.

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