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Jul '06
Spaghetti Bridge BBaller // 18:45
A friend of mine just sent me a picture of our spaghetti bridge.  This was an assignment in physics class.  So, this was the same team of three that brought you the bungee throwing thing that I showed pictures of in a previous blog entry.

The grading was based on how much the bridge could hold compared to its own mass.  The materials used: spaghetti and glue.

Pug Fugly
Jul '06
Re: Spaghetti Bridge Pug Fugly // 21:51
Did you cook it up and eat it after the assignment?

Aug '06
Re: Spaghetti Bridge Quimp // 04:28
In team of 2 we built a popsicle bridge for physic class.

Pics: quimp.net/images/bridge1.jpg to quimp.net/images/bridge4.jpg

It held 336 LBS. Hot glue, toothpicks & dental silk. I recognize yours looks tastier, so you get the full stomach and the bragging rights!

Good luck.

Aug '06
Re: Spaghetti Bridge BBaller // 04:45
 :o Wow, nice design, Quimp....  336lbs?  that's insane!

Yeah, building stuff like this is always fun stuff.

And no, we didn't eat it afterwards.  I was kinda of hesitant to do that.. you know, with the glue and all.

Aug '06
Re: Spaghetti Bridge Shaltif // 05:54
And here, when I was in school, we would use actual wood to make bridges...

oh well, I guess it's cheaper to make things out of paper (or a food item)  =P


Simon Donkers
Aug '06
Re: Spaghetti Bridge Simon Donkers // 09:41
There's a championship in NL on making these things. Unfortunately my school never plays in any of these championships :/

There's a real good computer game revolving around making bridges by Chronic Logic. Highly addictive game. Still need to convince my school to install that on every PC.

Nicely done BBaller/Quimp :)

PS: 336 lbs = 152 kg.

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