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Jul '06
Elementary Kanji Remake BBaller // 20:30
I'm working on a new design for the Elementary Kanji program.  Right now, I've gotten a few complaints about the small screen and the boring design.  I've made some progress on the new interface, which can be seen below.  It's possible that I might still change some things.  Anyway, here's a preview.

Pug Fugly
Jul '06
Re: Elementary Kanji Remake Pug Fugly // 23:53
Looks nice to me.

Of course, I don't think I'll ever download this no matter how fancy it looks!! :P ;)

Jul '06
Re: Elementary Kanji Remake CosMind // 03:30
i really dig your new visual direction.
it really serves the source material nicely.

one suggestion that i believe could enhance it even more - possibly consider making all of the font and menus look even more like they were brush-written directly on the parchment background (as opposed to the more embossed/physical looking elements).  you could highlight selections with a slick brush stroke underline that behaved in real time, even.  and crap, it would be really rad if the transitions through menus could show the new words very quickly being scrawled out...

again, i love the new vibe.

Jul '06
Re: Elementary Kanji Remake Elmernite // 14:35
I have to agree with Pug Fugly on this one.

Looks great! but I don't really have a use for it.


Jul '06
Re: Elementary Kanji Remake HiVE // 14:49
As long as you change it to use radicals as well, a visual update's not a bad idea.

Apr '07
Re: Elementary Kanji Remake CosMind // 20:25
hey, bballer, check it out - a ds kanji trainer:


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