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Jun '06
Retro Fretro Shmetro BBaller // 06:30
Along with a couple of other eo members, I'm entering the Retro Remakes competition.  My entry is a remake of the Nintendo game Kabuki Quantum Fighter.  Here's a quick screenshot.

Well, I tried to hold my self together and post something truly important (like a finished game!) for my first entry back after the redesign (did I mention how great it is), but I can't help myself.  A few major things have happened in my life, though.  I'm gonna give you the condensed version:  I graduated from high school, finally.  It only took me four years, but then again it only took everyone else four years as well...  Anyway, now I can enjoy my 3 classes a week college schedule.  As I'm going to a technology school, my mom generously got me a new laptop as my graduation present.  I'm eternally grateful because this machine is quite possibly the best thing I've ever owned.  Ok, so three major things: high school graduation, college, laptop.  I'm extremely happy about all of these things.

Not much has been going on as far as game development.  I've slowed down a bit in my production rate (it was already unnoticeable).  I've reread two fantasy books:  The Gilded Chain and Lord of the Fire Lands by Dave Duncan.  Now I'm starting to read some of my sister's fantasy/science fiction collection, and I'm surprised that I hadn't started earlier.  It's good to take a break from the comp every now and then, and just read.  Plus, I have a lot of reading to do to catch up to her.

One thing I'm excited about is getting PhotoShop on my laptop.  As if it wasn't difficult enough to learn already, using the touch pad on my laptop makes it a real chore.  But, I like all the features that I've seen so far.  It has so many possibilities, and I've already found a few good tutorials to help me learn the program.  Expect me to use it in some of my future projects.

Usually, I would mention something about basketball in this blog, but I'm not really a Maverick or Heat fan, so I can't really celebrate like I would if the Lakers won.  But I have to admit, I still watched every Finals game.  I'm glad the Heat won, they deserved it.

Anyways, that about raps it up.  I'm sure I missed something, but this just about covers the downtime.

Jun '06
Re: Retro Fretro Shmetro martin // 08:45
sweeet do0od well the screenshot of the game looks awesome

Pug Fugly
Jun '06
Re: Retro Fretro Shmetro Pug Fugly // 11:04
Basketball Shmasketball ;)

Jun '06
Re: Retro Fretro Shmetro Chronic // 13:33
did i ever mention that sports suck?

Jun '06
Re: Retro Fretro Shmetro Elmernite // 14:32
That is a nice screenshot there. Can't say I have ever heard of the original though. This link might really help any Eo members (or anyone else) remaking games.



Jun '06
Re: Retro Fretro Shmetro JMchaos // 01:44
Hope it comes out well, though I've never heard of that game before. Yet all your games are fun like hell so ill play it.

Jun '06
Re: Retro Fretro Shmetro BBaller // 19:53
Thanks for the support, except for Chronic's unwanted opinion =P

By the way, martin is (was) a kid from my high school.  He's the crazy looking one in the pictures from the physics project below.

Yet all your games are fun like hell so ill play it.
Thank you!  I can't say that I agree with you, though.  :)

The engine for the Kabuki remake is coming along nicely.  The only problem right now is the usual GM platform bug of the character not always landing right on the platforms (sometimes he lands a pixel above).  I'll have to fix that for sure though.  I found a way to do with jetpac joe and that robot game, but this engine uses a totally different method for moving.

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