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An Untitled Story

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Dec '05
It's just that time of year~ Degman // 23:50
when there's no forced labour of school~

mm hmm. Christmas is always a fun time - money, consumer items, family, fun. Good times. And I've started planning and designing something -big-. Bigger than anything else I've attempted, but I beleive it's within my abilities as a programmer. Besides, I need something cool to show to, right?

The current name is Fanterra, but that's subject to change as I think about it some more. I've barely started programming and gathering sprites/tiles, but it's already +4mb with the .exe. Luckily the sprites will be external files that can be automatically updated by the client as  changes occur. I'll start with generic RPG Maker tilesets (yes, shoot me now..) and use the Charas Project graphics for player sprites.
This means that the game will be freeware and stay that way. Free to play and add on to. That's where you'll come in - tilesets to be made and improved upon, and in-game maps.

The "big" part will be the community..oh, we'll see. Oh yes.

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