On the world of Ilm, in the northern inlets dwell an honorable species of hunters. The Raom use no age identifier system, but instead classify themselves depending on the part of life they are at. The Imik are landbound younglings that breath life into the coastal Raom villages, their fathers are at sea, and according to tradition must return to their homes and families every moon, their ships often full of tokens from past hunts. This is a time of plenty and training in a Raom's life. The time comes in every Imik's life when a moon phase is missed, and their fathers are not seen sailing in on the peaceful Suur's. The entire generation of younglings then are able to take the older Suur left in port out to sea, where they voyage the rough waters to rescue their father's from the island they have become stranded on. The Imik are transformed into Sodur, the hunters. In every Raom life this stage is what future generations shall sing songs and chant chants about around the village tomb.
The Raom must advance two life-cycles more to reach their resting place. More later.
Nov '05
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