Work on Canvas continues. I'm about to rewrite part of the engine again--the part responsible for creating objects. Under the current method, (and in the original EForms), you create a window something like this:
with EF_New_Window() {
....X = 50;
....Y = 50;
....W = 300;
The problem is that when EF_New_Window is called (and specifically, during the Create event for the object itself), the desired values of X, Y, W, H, etc. are not known.
My solution will be to declare these values globally before calling instance_create, so that when the Create event fires (several Create events actually, since an EF_Window inherits from EF_BaseWindow which inherits from EF_Area, then EF_Container, then EF_Object), all the information will be available. This will make things much simpler, and make it easier to extend Canvas with your own objects.
Nov '05
Pages: 1
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