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Ark 22

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Oct '05
Plot? bleh.. who needs them. Chronic // 16:25
When it comes to making a game, i guess the most challenging part of it all is a decent plot/story for it.

Why is this guy running around the world killing monsters? infact.. why is there such an abundance of monsters in a hugly populated world? and why are you the only person roaming the country side killing them?

In games today, you can't get away with not explaining these things.

Take a look at some old games  for the Atari 2600.

Why world at risk? it just is!
Why are these aliens attacking? they just are!

From the moment you turn on Space Invaders you are instantly greeted with the playing field, and the standard mode select that most other atari games have.

So.. the other day i decided to kinda adopt this atitude, and make a game without a care for why things are happening.

Maybe i could do it Star Wars style and just scroll a huge amount of text explaining a few things and then let the player get on with it.

I'll probably never get to the point to which i'm ready to release a decent demo for all to play, infact... i'll probably just scrap it in a day or two.

But without a plot, who cares? Its not like i've put a huge amount of work in to it. No planning at all.. just making it all up as i go. Free style game development i guess you could call it.

I guess its a "watch this space" moment to see what happens.

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