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Simon Donkers
Oct '05
Bored Simon Donkers // 19:30
I'm bored. Was planning on getting out this weekend, look around in the Hague, see something, but instead I've been looking away from my PC screen a few times to see the rain dropping down.

Anyone know anything interesting to do in the Hague?

My current poll on the battle of game sites seems to get some results back. GMC is winning it but I wonder if it's winning is not more based on it's popularity then on it's quality.

I wasn't expecting to see the Game Maker Radar to get any votes but I thought this would be a neat plug to give it some more attention, for those of you who haven't voted yet, go visit my site.

Been working this weekend on building a site builder. So far it's already working. I just need to built forms to create new sections and edit them. And with that also comes building the navigation bar. So far I'm having the feeling that a website without a navigation bar isn't very useful but that might just be me.

Was looking at my 404 logs today and noticed the search engine Become in there so I had a look what it was.
Doing a search for Game Maker Games gave a very interesting result. Have a look at the advertisement on the right.

With the Dutch GMC still being down I'm getting quite bored. I'm missing my usual dosis of idiocracy (by which I ofcourse not mean [you] but all the other members out there). I've even noticed when writing a paper for school that my writing starts looking more and more on English. Writing words together as they belong in Dutch is something I've almost completely stopped doing in favor for the English style of typing words seperate. I really need to go and spend some more time around with Dutch people I guess.

I'm thinking about going and making another computer game but I'm almost idealess. I might have an idea though of an original platformer but I'll have to think that over some more first. Other then that I don't really have much interesting Game Maker news.

Except for something I read on the Dutch make a game competition website which links to an article at Tumult about a student going to Senegal. The article mentioned that earlier this year a group of students from 3 schools started making a game which people from all over the world can log in and play. This game is made with Game Maker and at the beginning of the creation proces they had a lesson from Mark Overmars about making computer games.

Really curious what kind of 'Massive multiplayer' game they made with Game Maker.

Anyway, that's all for now. Now on to do something away from the PC.

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