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Super Human Cannonball

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Aug '09
Moving and college Kairos // 19:14
So, tomorrow I'll be moving all the way across the US. From Pennsylvania to Washington, to go to Digipen and major in Real-Time Interactive Simulation. I'd have to say I've been looking forward to this moment for a while, but leaving my old lifestyle behind is going to be tough, since there are no dormitories (what) and I'll be rooming with 3 other people in an apartment. But hey, gotta get used to the new stuff.

I haven't been making many games recently, and you can expect the number per year to drop to zero soon enough  :P
I'm not sure how much free time I'll have, but from the looks of it, it won't be much to make anything big. So we'll see.

On the positive side, I'll finally enjoy going to school, since I'll be programming and working on game projects with people. Not sure about the math and physics but I'll get through it all somehow!

Aug '09
Re: Moving and college Kyle // 07:53
Be careful that Digipen doesn't steal all your work! : )

Aug '09
Re: Moving and college BBaller // 08:12
That's great man! I'm excited for you. I was looking into going there as well.

I wouldn't worry too much about the lifestyle change. I say embrace it, experience it. I'd love to see what Washington's like one day.

Aug '09
Re: Moving and college ShaneHeres // 14:58
Washington is crawling with Super Mutants.

And like Kyle said, be careful not to be stolen off of. As far as I know, anything you create with school computers is copyright the school.

Aug '09
Re: Moving and college CosMind // 17:30
have fun!  sounds hot to me :D

Aug '09
Re: Moving and college Jabberwock // 20:24
I'm starting college this year too, but my experience will be less interesting than yours I'm sure. I am at Baylor University in Waco, TX, studying computer science. I did have to move across the country, too, though. Idaho to Texas.

Good luck, matey.

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