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Dec '08
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! Deadheat // 16:15
-gears of war 2 or fable 2

the graphics on the xbox version of gow2 are awesome, best graphics i have ever seen on the xbox

Dec '08
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! Shaltif // 17:48
status update.

-- seiklus (complete!)
currently deciding which game to play next...

If you got a Playstation 3 handy, LittleBigPlanet all the way!  However, if your looking for something short and sweet, check out Knytt or Portal.

-gears of war 2 or fable 2

the graphics on the xbox version of gow2 are awesome, best graphics i have ever seen on the xbox
More to games then how cool they look ;P.


Dec '08
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! CosMind // 19:53
If you got a Playstation 3 handy, LittleBigPlanet all the way!  However, if your looking for something short and sweet, check out Knytt or Portal.

thanks a ton for the rec's :)
unfortunately, i don't own a ps3 just yet.
i was actually really considering making portal my next to-play game.  however, the cleaner keeps calling me!
(embarrassingly, i played a good bit of the cleaner when darthlupi first released it.  however, i'm so dense that i never knew you could enhance your spells.  so, i bull-dogged deep into the game with my default spell set.  i eventually got to a boss that just whipped me wildly wherever it pleased.  there seemed to be nothing i could do to take it down.  so!  now that i know of the glory of spell enhancement, i'm going to blast that boss' buns and get through the game!)

Mar '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! CosMind // 18:14
-- loco roco (complete!)
currently deciding which game to play next...

Mar '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! Shaltif // 18:21
vote +1 for LBP?


Mar '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! CosMind // 19:01
vote +1 for LBP?


i still don't have a ps3...
so, that's just rubbing salt in the wound :P

also, at the studio, we only have about a month left before we submit our game to nintendo - so i'm working on it pretty much every moment that i'm not in bed.  as a result, any dedicated game playing i'll be doing will be on hand held platforms while in bed before falling asleep at night.

Mar '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! Shaltif // 20:42
Damn those deadlines =/

I can't imagine working under such conditions.

If you want a 'simple/short' game, check out Knytt or Portal, both can be completed in less then an hour (if you know exactly what to do, 3-4 hours otherwise ;P)


May '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! CosMind // 00:32
portal complete!
list updated.
things to play

now that gb is a wrap, i'll likely be digging deep and knocking out a lot of these puppies :)

May '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! Chronic // 04:13
You're linking to the forum instead of your blog :P I fixed the links for you, it should be:


May '09
Re: CosMind's to-play list - you can help! CosMind // 16:52
You're linking to the forum instead of your blog :P I fixed the links for you...


(gracias, amigo!)

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