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Jumper Three

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May '08
Paper Flight - Unlockables Screen Ablach Blackrat // 00:43
Just a teaser of some of the unlockable plane parts in Paper Flight (this wing design was based on the Shadow Fighters from Babylon 5)...

Over at Yoyo Games the chief complaint about Paper Flight was that the races were too slow.  Of course they are; it's paper airplanes after all.  But earning trophies will allow the player to access new wing and aileron designs to give their plane extra boosts of speed and reduce the turning radius.  That's where the speed comes in.  You just need to play the game on extreme and see how fast the AI planes move to see what I mean.

I've also completed work on the Trophy Room (looks different the previous shots).  There are 10 floors holding 72 trophies each, for a total of 720 trophies.  Also, the 11th floor is going to be a special achievement room to hold trophies for completing certain tasks in the game (not just the races, but the mini-games as well).  Hopefully all that will be enough to keep people interested in the game.

And lastly, I'm going to try to implement a condition weather system for the races...Random, Clear, Night, Rain, and Winter.  It won't affect the races, but it'll break up the monotony of the tracks all looking the same.

Oh yeah, the weight shown in the picture isn't correct; that'll change for the final game.

May '08
Re: Paper Flight - Unlockables Screen JakeX // 18:35
Well, it's a good thing the weather effects won't affect the gameplay - I don't think a paper airplane would work too well in the rain.

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