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Nov '07
from the middle of last night CosMind // 17:44
I saw it when i chased
a firefly beyond
the gurgle of the brook
the ripple of the pond

My eyes were locked in wonder
I couldn't even blink
My muscles wouldn't move
My brain refused to think

That moment I'll remember
I never will forget
But, I can't recall quite clearly
The figure that I met

I now, however, know the truth
about what lies beyond
the gurgle of the brook
The ripple of the pond

Nov '07
Re: from the middle of last night Jabberwock // 01:53
Nice. Based on a dream experience, I suspect? I definitely know the feeling, of having seen something really amazing while dreaming and never really being able to recall. It's frustrating and wonderful at the same time.

Nov '07
Re: from the middle of last night Chronic // 02:26
Very nice poem my friend. Like Jabberwock, it also reminds me of some type of dream, how its oh so clear when you're asleep but soon as you wake you forget it all and it becomes just a blur.

Nov '07
Re: from the middle of last night CosMind // 20:54
@jabberwok and chronic

the bizarre thing is, it's not really based on events of a dream - rather, it was the dream.  it's the first time that i've ever dreamed of a poem (or any other writing, for that matter).
i literally woke up at some bizarre time in the middle of the night with this poem going through my head.  i stumbled in a half-sleep to the kitchen and scrawled it onto a piece of scratch paper to ensure that it still existed when i fully woke in the morning.

Nov '07
Re: from the middle of last night HiVE // 21:15
Truly, dreamlike. But that stands to reason. I like this - simple but effective.

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