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Nov '07
Poems by Oddie Sloan BBaller // 01:40
Recently, I did some sketches for a friend of mine..

He's putting together a book of poems and selling them.. here's a collage of the art... the originals are in plain black ink, using a ball point pen.

All art done by me, but credit goes to some google images I used as reference for drawing the rose for example (cuz I dont draw flowers often lol) I also used quite a few images as reference for the soldier (some from the movie Gladiator)


Nov '07
Re: Poems by Oddie Sloan Jabberwock // 06:55
Wow, those are some really excellent drawings. The flower one is especially neat, with the way the roots go into the tiny little planet. It reminds me of The Little Prince; if you've read that, you'll know what I mean, probably.

 I don't really do as much by-hand drawing as I should. I'd probably do more if there was a scanner I could use.

Nov '07
Re: Poems by Oddie Sloan Cactus // 10:14
The flower one is especially neat, with the way the roots go into the tiny little planet. It reminds me of The Little Prince; if you've read that, you'll know what I mean, probably.
I read that book as a kid. I also thought that the flower was the coolest out of the pictures you got there, with the boat clocking in as a close runner up. Designwise, I think it looks slightly empty, and I've never been a fan of fading edges. I really like the drawings, though.

Nov '07
Re: Poems by Oddie Sloan Chronic // 17:16
I also like the drawings, looking at again i see what Cactus means about being empty. I think that could be solved by adding some type of border behind the drawings, kind of like a picture frame.

EDIT: I had nothing to do so i decided to add a border to it so you could see what i mean, view it here.


Nov '07
Re: Poems by Oddie Sloan BBaller // 19:21
Woah Chronic, that looks really nice, man.

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