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Oct '07
S-FmodEx Shaltif // 03:41
For those wondering where I have been lately...S-FmodEx...it's another complete re-write and updated to the latest fmod release.  I've decided NOT to make this an extension, as originally planned.  Mainly because of how difficult it is for me to keep 'updating' an extension build (since fmod usually releases a new build bi-weekly, trying to do the same with an extension setup seems impractical for my time constraints).  Good news is I can quickly fix bugs and release new builds, downside is that end users won't get the nice 'extension' feel with this API.

For those of you that don't know what fmod is, now you know.

In other news, after I complete the above project, I plan to re-write the Shaltif Virtual Console from scratch (again) in order to implement new features as well as remove redundant/unneeded ones.  I know, many of you can care less on this front since I've been the only one using the thing since 2004, but on the bright side, when I finally do release the thing publicly, it will hopefully be completely bug free =P.

Finally, for those wondering.  Yes, CORE is still under development.  For the time being, it is on hold for the above two projects (this is because CORE is run off of them).  I hope to have CORE up and running before I go full-time in January, but I cannot guarantee this.  I've got another game idea itching in the background, and with a dedicated server box to work with (and an income for bandwidth) I might switch my focus to something a little more...persistent.

Anyway, that's my blog.  Hopefully I'll have S-FmodEx out soon for Eo people (followed by a public release).  All that holds release of that API now is documentation, and since I'm not going extension route this time, I'm a little more free on how I go about that (comments in scripts?  HTML document?  Let me know.)

PS> For the curious, the S-FmodEx sports 232 usable functions...I think it's the biggest single script library for Game Maker to date...


Oct '07
Re: S-FmodEx Elmernite // 00:07
Thats a lot of scripts! How big is the whole package? Good luck!


Oct '07
Re: S-FmodEx JakeX // 05:11
Yeah, that's a lot of scripts - but then again, Fmod can do a LOT of stuff.

Oct '07
Re: S-FmodEx Shaltif // 20:48
Yeah, that's a lot of scripts - but then again, Fmod can do a LOT of stuff.
Indeed.  There is quite a bit of the API I still have yet to cover (mainly advanced 3D and Geometry functions that are beyond my normal programming experience).  I hope sometime to get these in, but so far, I have yet to get any demand for them.

Thats a lot of scripts! How big is the whole package? Good luck!
In actual filesize:

fmodex.dll 309KB
S-FmodEx.dll 155KB
S-FmodEx.gml 100KB

So about 560KB currently, tho this is without optimizations to my dll for filesize and not including documentation.  Generally, I'm going to shoot for less then half meg size when it comes to the combined dlls.


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