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Sep '07
Re: Jumper Three: Jumps t3mp3st // 03:19
So there will just need to be spikes over you, and below you, forcing you to jump a specific height.  Jump to high, or to low, and you're pwned.

It won't necessarily make the game easier.  It just means that the level design will need to have some differences, and in many ways the types of puzzles he can design will be increased.
I look forward to seeing what YMM does with this.

Oct '07
Re: Jumper Three: Jumps JW // 16:17
All I was saying is that double jumping does not really work with variable heights. Sure, mario has great physics, but it does not have double jumping.

Anyway, when are we gonna get to see some potions? :)

Mar '08
Re: Jumper Three: Jumps Exatox // 18:26
Im a big fan of jumper and have all the games so if theres ever a jumper 4 ill be glad , but I hope that yomamasmama will keep making good games as I like them and have made 2 blogs about it for people to see...

Sure the might not want to but thats not the problem because I know im blabbering on a bit but im just trying to pass out that I think jumpers a really good game and I hope people injoy playing it!

Mar '08
Re: Jumper Three: Jumps exatox // 18:29
I disagree with ecstatic...  HE SMELLS ...yomamasmama does not have trouble making hard games

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