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Jul '07
Today's Sales Joewoof // 18:34
Today, we invaded another comic convention with Moist Brain Fluid (omg, so that's what MBF stands for) and Immunocide. This time, I forgot to bring my camera, so no pics for this one (shush, I know I haven't shown any from the last one yet). Agh... now I have to describe the wonderful activities around our booth in words. That means thousands upon thousands of words.

We didn't sell many copies, considering that this game wasn't originally designed to be sold to the general populous (read: comic freaks) in the first place, but we did sell a fair number of copies. The most important thing though, is that we had a great deal of fun - and so did our potential customers. XD

The setup was simple. Two laptops on the table, each showcasing each game. Some clear-plastic DVD-box holders, some small posters. Stuff like that.

As we suspected, for some strange reason, we sold better in the morning, compared to the afternoon. That may be partly due to a creepy anime-auction stealing customers, but whatever.

Anyway, some of the highlights are as follows...

During the last time, Immunocide sold the same number of copies as Moist Brain Fluid. This time, Moist Brain Fluid sold much better than Immunocide. Have to fix that.

My mouth hurts from smiling all the time. Or trying to.

One of our first customers is a pair of little girls who giggled at how cute the units in Immunocide are. Haha, maybe.

One kid enjoyed Moist Brain Fluid so much he stood at our booth and played it for about 3 hours straight. XD My teammates were so pleased that they gave him a free copy (while I was in the restroom, lol). Apparently, he wants the game but can't afford it. $4.05 is quite pricey for a game here in Thailand, mostly due to piracy. Btw, Immunocide costs $3.47.

A professional (Thai) game developer came to our booth. A pleasant surprise. He commented that he likes the artistic style of Moist Brain Fluid and bought a copy. Awesome! ;D

Our booth attracted small crowds throughout the whole day. Mostly, it's probably because Moist Brain Fluid is so damn weird. Picture this - a disturbingly funny grayscale experimental-inspired action game wedged in between colorful shops with cute anime girl gadgets and comics. There were lots of strange looks and quirky smiles. Success!

Many people enjoyed playing Moist Brain Fluid at our booth, but the price turned a lot of them off. Looks like we have to shoot for $1.73 (or even $1.15) for our next games.

Early afternoon, a pair of gamers came over to our booth... and their enthusiasm was spectacular. At each victory with each boss, they actually gave high-fives and cheered! That was the climax of the day. I also cheered them on myself... and we all laughed so hard it hurt.

The auction started late afternoon, and as expected, most people went downstairs. It was dull after that.

Well, that's about it. I'll blog about the past convention later.

Jul '07
Re: Today's Sales CosMind // 19:26
congrats all around.

sounds like an incredible experience, indeed  :D

since you forgot your cam, perhaps you could sketch us some pictures of some key moments?  how about a render of the screaming, high-fiving action?   :P

Jul '07
Re: Today's Sales Cactus // 01:55
That does sound like fun. I bet I'd have felt pretty awkward trying to promote a game I made myself when put face to face with my costumers, but that might be because of where I live. People here are generally a bit less social, and always seem to ask silly questions about things rather than being interested and buying whatever you're trying to sell. I'd get mad if people went upto me, asked something stupid about the game while looking at it and giggling a bit. I can picture it clearly in my mind. Damn swedes :/

Also, this makes having a development team sound like fun. Always seems like a negative thing whenever I've tried it myself.

Jul '07
Re: Today's Sales Joewoof // 09:08
since you forgot your cam, perhaps you could sketch us some pictures of some key moments?  how about a render of the screaming, high-fiving action?
I can draw real well, but I can't really illustrate scenes from memory. Sorry. :P

Also, this makes having a development team sound like fun.
It sure is. Check out these old blogs of mine:

Always seems like a negative thing whenever I've tried it myself.
I've been working with an online team before that, and it was such a disaster that I've completely lost faith in any collaborative work through the Internet. I can't stress enough the importance of communication. Also, being amateurs, you always have to expect people to abandon your project without notice, meaning that you always need a "plan B" prepared for when it happens. It's a painful world of duality, where you need to do a fine balancing act between game-making passion and academic duty. And of course, you need to also be aware that everyone else on the team has equally troubling responsibilities.

I'd rather do a balancing act between profit and the artistic pursuit for originality. Much more exciting.

Jul '07
Re: Today's Sales HiVE // 12:56
I can draw real well, but I can't really illustrate scenes from memory. Sorry. :P

Post! Visualogy's too quiet recently.

Jul '07
Re: Today's Sales Joewoof // 05:19
Ok, maybe some messy pen sketches.

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