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Matt Thorson
Jun '07
What am I up to? Matt Thorson // 22:26
Here's a rundown of my life right now:

Been working 10 hour days at the ol' truss factory.  Really draining, but I need the money to get through college.  My girlfriend and I picked up Final Fantasy III for the DS recently and that's been keeping me fairly busy. 

Working on An Untitled Story when I can - it is so far along that testing all the content so far always takes hours.  Really trying to put a lot of side-quest-ish stuff in, so lately I've been just throwing in little optional things, like arcade games you can purchase for your home and play, or even more trivial things like beating a boss with full health earning you bonus crystals.

Trying my best to go to The White Stripes concert in Edmonton on June 30th - probably just me and the voice of the shopkeeper will roadtrip down.  We'll see how that pans out.

Gonna try and piece together a new band for the next college year.  If anything comes of it I'll post the music.

Oh, and I'm reading up on Hicks, Leary and JungInteresting stuff.


Jun '07
Re: What am I up to? HiVE // 23:47

Matt Thorson
Jun '07
Re: What am I up to? Matt Thorson // 00:09


Jun '07
Re: What am I up to? HiVE // 00:49
Ah, truss.

Matt Thorson
Jun '07
Re: What am I up to? Matt Thorson // 03:06

Jun '07
Re: What am I up to? ChevyRay // 03:49
Trying my best to go to The White Stripes concert in Edmonton on June 30th - probably just me and the voice of the shopkeeper will roadtrip down.  We'll see how that pans out.
Good luck with that! I'll be watching them in Burnaby next weekend before they head your way, neighbour :P

Jun '07
Re: What am I up to? Jabberwock // 22:47
Good luck with the final stages of Untitled. I'm looking forward to it.

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