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Apr '07
Removal of GMG from Mark's page. edenb // 02:00
It appears that the link to Gamemakergames, the largest archive of games made with GM as well as a respiratory of some very well written reviews, has been removed from Mark's site. This is possibly because Mark believes that GMG is dead (we're not, just changing hosts), and doesn't want to direct people to a "dead" site. Of course, the new Yoyo games site has some uncanny similarities to GMG; to quote from Mark's site: "During April 2007 we will open our new website at YoYo Games. Here you will be able to upload any games you created with Game Maker and you can download, review, rate, and comment games that others have created.".
Hang on a sec- GMG does almost exactly the same thing (with the exception of uploading games)- apart from GMG has an archive of over 6,500 games, and over 200 [staff] reviews I believe. Surely, Mark (and/or the yoyo team) couldn't be afraid that GMG will be an obstacle to Yoyo's dominance in all things gamemaker?

Mark goes on to say "For the time being you might also want to check out the following site [link to Games Showcase]", what worries me is the "for the time being" bit- implying that once the Yoyo site has been released everything else will be obsolete.

Long live GMG.

Apr '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. Satellite Dog // 09:13
long live chocolate pudding

Apr '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. JakeX // 12:22
"During April 2007 we will open our new website at YoYo Games. Here you will be able to upload any games you created with Game Maker and you can download, review, rate, and comment games that others have created."

Sounds exactly like 64digits, except for the fact that we don't accept the bottom of the barrel. I'm half suprised YoYo doesn't have a blog system, just to really sneeze in our faces.

Apr '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. Quimp // 00:48
We've been changing hosts for like what, 2 months now? The way I see it, is that Mark removed it because of the broken link, not because he is "scared", so to say. As you said, the "for the time being" implies the removal of the remaining link when Yoyo is up.

Apr '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. edenb // 01:18
Yeah, probably. Just my speculation  :P

It normally doesn't take two months to change hosts, though. I suppose I fear for the future of such sites as GMG,GMS and 64D.

Apr '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. Jabberwock // 18:02
I agree. I am (or was, in the case of GMG) heavily involved in both GMG and 64digits, and I don't want to see them replaced by YoYo Games; I've never been a huge fan of the GMC, because there are just too many members, making it too impersonal and not laid-back enough. The way I see it, YoYo will be like 64digits except minus the laid-back aspect that makes it good.

I'm not extremely worried, though, because I think there are enough intelligent people around who will keep these smaller sites alive rather than just "convert" to YoYo. Still, it certainly takes focus off of these sites, and they'll end up becoming a tolerated evil (in the eyes of Mark and YoYo games) rather than a good thing like before.

May '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. JaJ // 22:39
When GMG is back up, i'll be there ;)

Aug '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. pubby8 // 05:32
Viva GMG

I hope it stays with this host

Aug '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. Tomatoeworm // 20:20
The gmg is a bit corrupt.  Yoyogames may be ameture(spelling?), but they take things seriously.

Aug '07
Re: Removal of GMG from Mark's page. Deadheat // 07:28
corrupt? how so?

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