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Aces High Over Verlor Island

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Apr '07
The Law of the Wind Joewoof // 20:40
No, it's not a game title. It's a personal, spiritual rediscovery of someone who is extremely aligned with the element of wind. By that, I mean both physically, mentally and most of all, spiritually.

You see, I follow those ancient beliefs about everything in our world being built upon the four (or in some cases, five) natural elements - fire, water, wind & earth. It may seem fantastical, but there's a strong parallel within the personality colors theory they often teach about in schools. Everyone is a combination of 4 such colors (in one version: gold, orange, blue & green), with one being dominant. Likewise, I believe that everyone is a mixture of the 4 elements.

What traits does each element represent? Well, I leave that to your creative interpretation.

But in case you're too lazy, here's how I see it.

I don't know whether it is by sheer luck or fate, but the 4 members of my game development team represent extremes of those aligned with these four elements. And except for our artist (who we haven't talked to about this), we pretty much agree that this is how it is. I'm Wind. Our programmer is Fire. The sound guy is Earth. While the line artist is Water.

I'll start with Fire. Our programmer is a genuine "hot-head" who periodically explodes when crushing bugs (both within code and on the worktable). He is the most productive of all of us, but he is also the least enduring. In other words, he burns through work with almost inhuman ferocity and intensity, but in doing so, he burns up so much energy that he eventually collapses (literally). His energy is fueled by "niche anime" and (not surprisingly) lots and lots of food. He is indeed a roaring inferno, but until he burns himself out, that is.

Then there's the sound guy. This dude's Earth. He's very orderly, often formal, and true to being a "solid" element, he does not yield to social forces. You can say that he has a very strong integrity, but that also means that he may not be the fastest to adapt. On the bright side, once his objective "solidifies", he sticks with it with such a firm determination that it's practically impossible to move him. It's not like he gets in people's ways though. Being Earth, you can easily avoid interacting with him, unless you metaphorically crash into him (think of a boulder) head on.

Our line artist is Water. Completely adaptable to any environment. Incredibly easy-going. Can hang around with anyone. Friendly with everyone. Keeps flowing in one direction, but it's hard to change that direction. Haven't worked with him much to say more though.

Then there's me, Wind. I'm the most volatile of the group, formless and flexible, but not really adaptable to a "social container", unlike Water. I seem to be great at determining the direction of the group, but it's difficult to keep the intensity of the windspeed constant. Too many fluctuations between a light breeze and a gale. My existence as Wind is tied to my ambition. The stronger it is, the more prominent my state of being is. However, it means that if my motivation fades completely, I will cease to exist. Literally. And strangely, I have a physical addiction to wind itself. As I'm writing this, I have an electric fan blowing at my back. Two electric fans, actually. Turn them off, and I may get physically sick. Did I say extreme?

Being Wind, I've always had this problem about not being able to keep up my spiritual intensity at crucial times. And recently, I've come to a realization that I'm not only dependent on ambition, but also on inspiration. Actually, I've been through this quite a few times before, but I seem to take a backstep into denial that I'm not so reliant on sources of constant inspiration. Subconsciously, that is. Until now, I found myself avoiding such sources, thinking that I was "not in the mood" to experience such things. I thought that I should relax, take it easy, and focus on "light-hearted" works of art to raise my spirits. I didn't realize that I was digging myself into a hole each time. I need external inspiration. Always.

Kinda like avoiding strong medicine even though it's ultimately good for you, I guess.

So, I've come to a personal conclusion. I've created "The Law of the Wind", which I have to actively follow from now on. It's nothing big; just a reminder of how I must always pursue works by other artists whenever possible, especially when I don't feel like I could appreciate it in my current state of mind. The reality is that I could be very creative and enjoy others' creativity to the fullest despite my state of mind. Unless I caught the flu, that is.

Apr '07
Re: The Law of the Wind Generic // 09:49
When you say believe in, do you mean it seems to fit or do you actually believe in only four elements? And which schools would be stupid enough to teach a personality theory that ignores any science we've learnt over that past thousands of years? Is your computer not made of silicon? Perhaps it is instead made of wind and water. Have you any reason at all for following these beliefs?

Apr '07
Re: The Law of the Wind Joewoof // 18:23
Is psychology not a discipline of science? And do you not understand what "spiritual" means?  ;)

Apr '07
Re: The Law of the Wind CosMind // 19:12
When you say believe in, do you mean it seems to fit or do you actually believe in only four elements? And which schools would be stupid enough to teach a personality theory that ignores any science we've learnt over that past thousands of years? Is your computer not made of silicon? Perhaps it is instead made of wind and water. Have you any reason at all for following these beliefs?

errr, mysterious guest...  never knock one's philosophical and spiritual foundations.  in doing so, you deny the gifts of humanity.  be you.  let him be him.  you might just learn something, after all.

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