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Mar '07
Wii & Meebo Joewoof // 16:28
Simple-yet-elegant. Innovative & stylish. Accessibility & usability. Wii & Meebo.

I'm too lazy to write walls of text today (and some people ph33r walls of text), so I'll try something different. Yesterday, something like this happened to me:

Yes, Wii is awesome. For the first time in about a decade, I can finally play a video game with my ol' man. Very nice. The Wii console itself is lovely. The sounds... the sounds! Amazing. This revolutionary interactive experience is beyond excellence - it's mind-blowingly magnificent!

The downside? On the first day of setting it up, you can't play it for more than four hours without collapsing on the floor in a pathetic, boneless heap. The saddest part is that, while you're twitching on the floor grasping for air, you will continue to swing your Wiimote in a feeble attempt at hitting the tennis ball coming at your Mii in Wii Sports. Ok, that was made-up... or not. Maybe a prediction of the future. Wii will literally suck my soul and cage it within the Console. I will become Wii. Mwahahaha. Yes, Wii is making me insane. It's THAT good.

Add the Virtual Console upon that... well, you don't wanna go there. Walls of text on that greatness will follow. So I'll stop here.

And then there's Meebo. After giving up on MSN and AIM, I tried Trillian. Very buggy. I found GAIM. Better, but not good enough. Bah. I stopped using IM for a while, until a few days ago, when I heard of Meebo. Very neat. No downloads. No hassles. Supports MSN, AIM and more (and doesn't even need them installed). It runs as a web service in your browser. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but that's exactly what I need. :D Fancy features? Ick.

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo Chronic // 16:32
If you thought Wii Sports was bad on the arms, try playing Rayman: Raving Rabbids. That will screw your arms up ever quicker :D (imo, its a good game too)

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo Joewoof // 19:23
I'll probably get "Wario Ware: Smooth Moves" first though. Either that or Sonic. I've never played a Sonic title, and it seems that this is one of the better ones. :D

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo Chronic // 20:18
I don't have Wario Ware: Smooth Moves yet, i probably get it in a few weeks because i recently decided to get Age of Empires 2, Bomberman and Tetris for my DS, all top notch games.

As for new Wii games, I got Excite Truck about a week ago, and it is a lot of fun. I can't think what to compare it to... but i certainly recommend it.

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo CosMind // 22:20
I can't think what to compare it to...

then don't.  it's not necessary.  we'll understand what you mean if you communicate the experience on your own.


soon, you will all grow to hate me for statements like this.  yet i will never give them up  ;) ;)

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo Joewoof // 07:59
By that, I think Chronic means that the experience itself is hard to describe to begin with. It's probably too wonderful for words to do it any justice.

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo JakeX // 18:32
Yep, me again. I've yet to get a Wii. Mostly because I'm waiting until some really great games release for it. I've heard that Smooth Moves is a pretty fine game, (It's a Wario Ware game, would you expect any less?) and the new Sonic game is apparantly one of the better 3D ones.

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo JakeX // 18:32
[Continued from previous]

Of course, the 3D Sonic games are nowhere NEAR the greatness of the 2D ones, but whatever.

As for Meebo, I've used it occasionally, when my WLM decides to go on strike - or just give messages along the lines of "Nothing's wrong with your connection, but I'm just not going to work today."

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo Joewoof // 18:59
I'm bringing over some friends from uni tomorrow. I really hope my home mini-theatre doesn't explode.

Mar '07
Re: Wii & Meebo Joewoof // 16:40
The little Wii-party was a blast! Had a great deal of fun making look-alike Miis of me friends, then I showed them the awesomeness of Wii Sports. Hehe... Zelda: TP was crying from neglect (not exactly good with multiplay :P).

Anyway, you have to believe the rumors - Bangkok is one of the hottest cities in the world (on many levels). Some of the hottest (spicy) foods. Some of the hottest (sexy) night clubs. Some of the hottest (temperature) summers. Ok, maybe you don't have to believe, but this afternoon was hot enough to overheat my Wii, causing it to crash. Well, on the bright side, the room didn't explode - and the people in it didn't incinerate from Wii-induced internal combustion. Now, the Wii has an electric fan constantly blowing at it (the air conditioner is suffering from heatstroke).

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