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Ablach Blackrat
Oct '10
Starting Over... Ablach Blackrat // 05:04 // 2 replies
7 years ago I created a game called Perceptia for a gaming contest based off of a M.C. Escher painting.  Almost immediately after I began working on a sequel.  At first it used the same graphics but just had more rooms but I soon realized that I wanted to make it bigger than that.  Throughout the next year it evolved from a puzzle platformer about  ball to a puzzle platformer about a female fennec fox named Perceptia.  It got larger and larger until it was well over 25 very large rooms.  I decided to tone it down and made it into about a 7 stage open word game.  But over the years the game file has become bloated: filled with useless code, sprites, objects and resources that probably accounted for 25-30% of the total game file. 

I've been trying to work with it but all the extra garbage is causing no ends of problems and multiple conflicts/errors that I simply cannot fix anymore; the game file has become far too unstable to be of any use.  I don't want to scrap Perceptia II; I like it way too much to allow to to fall into the garbage can with the rest of my dead games.  So I'm doing the only thing I can do: I'm starting over from scratch with a new game file.

This will allow me to do several things: with no more old game files I've purchased Game Maker 8 today so I can begin programming Perceptia in it.  I'll be programming it in 60 fps so it will look a lot smoother than the original and I can streamline/improve things that were impossible in the old file.

This step will mean a lot longer until Perceptia II is done, but it means that it will get done.  If I had left it like it was I would almost certainly had given up in frustration.  And this time, without the nuisance of a bloated and unusable game file I might actually succeed.  After all, Perceptia has been waiting 7 years to rescue her family; I think that's long enough ;D

Comments Comments
Oct '10
Re: Starting Over... HiVE // 06:44
Yes. This is exactly what I did for UA; it was originally a bloated, buggy GM5 game, so I stripped it bare, started again in GM6 then 7, at 60FPS, not 30. Best decision ever - it will SAVE you time and effort in the long run, and improve the end result! Good call.

Oct '10
Re: Starting Over... Ablach Blackrat // 23:27
I just realized that now I can program is using OGG music instead of WAV.  Perfect.  I can't believe people still use WAV files in their games.

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