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Ablach Blackrat
Mar '09
Vector Scape: Pulse Ablach Blackrat // 17:10 // 3 replies
I only intended to make a Demo of Vector Scape: Pulse for the SHMUP-Dev competition , then get back to working on Perceptia, but I like the game mechanic of it too much to leave it on the back burner.  So I'll finish it, then get back to Perceptia.  Er, I really mean it this time.  In the meantime, here are some screen shots from the game...

Comments Comments
Mar '09
Re: Vector Scape: Pulse Jabberwock // 04:51
Looks great, I love the clean, glowy line sort of aesthetic. And that boss (?) in the second screen looks cool, I like the lights (?) and portholes (?) on his (?) head (?).

EDIT: I guess I'd've sounded much smarter if I'd said "vector" instead of "clean glowy line".

Mar '09
Re: Vector Scape: Pulse Deadheat // 11:46
Yeah, I'm loving the style of graphics you have going on here. Look nice, clean and simple. Looking forward to checking this one out!

Mar '09
Re: Vector Scape: Pulse Ablach Blackrat // 19:09
If you're interested here's a ten level demo....


Very rough though, with a few errors that I'm still trying to correct.  But it give you the idea.  Hold 'Z' to send out a pulse weapon that will orient on the closest enemy within range, and charge them up.  When you see a full glowing radius around the enemy, hit 'X' to explode them, hopefully taking some of the other enemy ships with it.

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