Please welcome Joewoof, edenb and ChevyRay! Yay.
Yeah, I know. It's been months since we've been inducted into Eo, and nobody said anything public about it. Not really. JakeX (a regular visitor) just realized this week that ChevyRay is in Eo. Apparently, everyone is too busy debating over philosophical issues regarding game design and carving out their digital masterpieces. That's good, but it's leaving our treasured visitors in the dark.
Anyway, how did we invade this divine community? Well...
edenb is this hot chick who's got some sweet ideas and great musical talent. She treats game design as a completely ethereal realm of vivid whirlwinds. Sort of. Her current games aren't all that amazing, but her skills as a composer and a visionary designer more than make up for that. Hey, there's an "edenb fanclub" out there. She's definitely awesome.
ChevyRay previously went by the name, Tadashi Blossom. He's pretty famous in these parts, and it's likely that you've heard of him. His games are very charming and entertaining. I myself drooled over Harry RPG and slobbered over Monster Pop, so that's saying something. ChevyRay is also an advocate of peace (kinda). He conveys that through awesome cheesy humor that's interwoven into all his games - very lighthearted, yet very cool. Expect some masterpieces soon from this great guy.
And then there's me, Joewoof. Er... yay. Well, in case you missed my first blog, here's the story. From what I heard, I'm the first one who got in without a track record. That means I don't have any completed works to present, be it a game or otherwise. However, my in-depth official reviews and lengthy game design articles at caught the eye of a few members here (something like that), and here I am. In other words, I'm here because of my "theoretical know-how", but I don't have much to show for my game development skills. I'm neither a good artist nor programmer, and my strength lies in game analysis. On the other hand, I love working in a local team, which is exactly I'm doing right now. We'll try our best to make fun, exciting and intriguing games for you guys to play.
Hopefully, that got some of you up-to-date. Eo may seem a little slow at times, but we're all working hard to not disappoint our fans. ;)

Mar '07

Feb '07
Get to it, Sergeant. Obtain your copy from the PLAY section.

Jan '07
It's been a while since I've said anything on the site, and there's a reason for this. After founding Eo, and watching it grow into a fantastic community, other commitments have meant I haven't been able to keep up with the happenings on the site. Therefore I took a decision (a few months ago) to step down as the main administrator of the group, and pass the torch onto Pug.
But Pug's recent victory in the Retro Remakes group, has made me want to mention a few words about why this group is so special. The Retro Remakes competition is a very well established competition on the net, and for one of our members to create games that have won it in the last 3 years in a row is pretty amazing. The competition has been immense, but BitPimp who won in 2004 with Legend of Shadow, and Pug Fugly winning two years in a row with Horace & The Spiders and The Pyramid have shown people how it's supposed to be done. We can't give these guys enough credit for the wonderful job they have done, keeping the standards at the highest, and showing what Eo is all about.
All in all, Eo remains committed to bringing you the best in gaming, so enjoy all our games, and keep coming back - there's plenty more to come!
But Pug's recent victory in the Retro Remakes group, has made me want to mention a few words about why this group is so special. The Retro Remakes competition is a very well established competition on the net, and for one of our members to create games that have won it in the last 3 years in a row is pretty amazing. The competition has been immense, but BitPimp who won in 2004 with Legend of Shadow, and Pug Fugly winning two years in a row with Horace & The Spiders and The Pyramid have shown people how it's supposed to be done. We can't give these guys enough credit for the wonderful job they have done, keeping the standards at the highest, and showing what Eo is all about.
All in all, Eo remains committed to bringing you the best in gaming, so enjoy all our games, and keep coming back - there's plenty more to come!

Nov '06
Four new articles have been posted to help you learn Game Maker.
Be sure to leave any feedback in the contact forum, or PM me over on the GMC. I'll be posting another one tomorrow, so check back then!
Be sure to leave any feedback in the contact forum, or PM me over on the GMC. I'll be posting another one tomorrow, so check back then!

Nov '06
Happy Halloween everyone. We've put together a short game for you to celebrate the snazziest holiday of the year. Check out some jack-o-lantern carving action in Jack-O which can be found on the eo minis page.