X i O n | is in the house!
ChevyRay // 22:32
HyperDuck Music Studios, have just moved in.
Mecha // 21:18Help me with my boxes would ya? This movin in business is tough!
Hi my name is Chris Geehan, and I am one half of HyperDuck Music Studios.
I was told to make a post to say that Dan (Byrne-McCullough) & I have joined the community. Dan does not chime in on the community as much, just because he doesn't enjoy forum trolling like I do, but he knows everything I know, and one other thing, which he won't tell me. Git.
We're a two man/boy/duck team of two! That's right, the grammar.. thing. And we are freelance audio contractors, or freelance soundtrack composers, or freelance sound effects designers! Essentially, we are freelance in most of our work to date, and we're quite flexible as well, in terms of what type of work we can do, and our yoga teacher is always calling us benders, so we must be flexible! Hm.
It is good to finally move in here and even better to be welcomed with such warmth by the community. So without further delay, I give you..
http://www.hyperduck.co.uk for all our latest official updates that we're publicly allowed to talk about (yay freedom)
http://hyperduck.blogspot.com for my own (Chris) random blabberings/bloggerings. Besides the Eo-Community Blogposts, which.. I just.. saw, yes.
Thanks again, nice to be here.
Chris & Dan.
EO: Global Game Jam 2010
ChevyRay // 05:57A few of our members took part in
Global Game Jam this year! The theme was "Deception", and over 50 countries took part, setting new records for the extremely popular game developing event. If you've never heard of Global Game Jam, it's basically a worldwide event in which game developers gather together in groups to each make a game in a 48-hour weekend.
First we have
Depict1, a game which
Kyle Pulver describes as "a fun little game that is sure to make you angry at games in general." The game was made at the Retro Affect Studio jam site in Gilbert, Arizona.

And second, we have
Eaty Guys and the Operator, a game developed by
Matt Thorson and
ChevyRay, who teamed up with 4 other developers at the SAIT, Calgary jam site in Canada.

There are many other great games! So don't for get to drop by the
Global Game Jam website and check some of them out. Also, if you're interested in the event, make sure to sign up for 2011! It's great fun, and an awesome way to meet and work with new game developers.
Eo, refreshed
Simon Donkers // 12:44Over the past few months we've been working on updating our community. Since our founding in 2004 a lot has changed. We've seen many new members, many new creations and many new ideas. One of the changes we've made for this is that we are no longer Game Maker exclusive. While many members still use Game Maker, we still welcome our old members who've moved to other languages and tools.
Secondly, since we spend a lot of time on our creations, our site was rather static. This gave some outsiders the impression that our community was falling still. However we are still bursting with energy and lots of fun things are being done by our community. To give you a better idea of what's going on we've started an experiment with an open forum. We'll still have to see how it goes, what works and doesn't work, but we're looking for your feedback for that.
Lastly, our old site was from 2007. While still functional, we decided to go with a fresh look for our new site. We wanted the site to better reflect all our old creations rather then just promote our latest few.
We hope you like these changes and we are looking forward to your feedback. Let us know what you think about our updated community.
Eo is Up Again
Shaltif // 19:27After experiencing a minor technical issue with our hosting, causing a temporary downtime, Eo is now back up and running.