Hmm, my first blog on this new site and my second Eo blog entry in total...
If anyone reading this here site ain't aware of it yet the guys behind the Retro Remakes site are running another competition. Just remake a favorite game of yours according to the rules and you could win a lot of nifty prizes and the like. Our own Legend of Shadow by Bitpimp (Darthlupi) won this contest two years ago, and also Horace & The Spiders by our man Pug Fugly won the smaller contest last year too. Both of those Eo members are entering again this year and so are a couple more of us here, including myself. Sure we'd like it if Eo won again but I don't wanna have that put anyone else off entering, cos the more people enter, the more great remakes we get to play. So yeah here we go. Check out the RR site at and scroll down to read the entry about the contest. Read the rules and get started on a game. It started on June 1st but as the closing date is August 31st everyone's still got some time to get a game done. Get to it!
Jun '06
Jun '06
Win it for Game Maker! Game Maker could really get a streak going if we win again this year. I thought about entering but couldn't really think of a game I wanted to remake. Glad a lot of you Eo members are.
Jun '06
Yeah, getting a Game Maker game to win it again would be great. In fact in the 2004 competiton where Legend of Shadow won, the 2nd place game Stop The Express was also made in GM. Most of the games that came lower were made in everything else like Multimedia Fusion, C++, Dark Basic, Blitz Basic and so on. I've noticed a couple non-eo Game Maker entries in this years contest too so GM itself should have a decent shot of winning something.
Which reminds me I should stop messing around in this site and get on with my entry...
Which reminds me I should stop messing around in this site and get on with my entry...
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