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Simon Donkers
Jan '06
Moving back home Simon Donkers // 20:48
Welcome to yet another rant of mine.

I'm moving back home saterday the 21st. I'm currently in my last few days of my internship in the Hague and on the 21st I go back from the Hague, government seat of the Netherlands, 474.291 citizens to Oostelbeers, roughly 4000 citizens. From a 15 minute tram drive to work up to a 21km bycicle drive to school.

The good part about this is that I'm no longer 8 hours a day programming on my PC for work but that I'm a few hours a day at school in college. This could theoretically mean that I'm losing my PC-block which you somehow built up after 8 hours programming and that means you can finally expect some more updates from me. At least theoretically, I'll still need to see how my school timetable is going to look and I'm having the feeling I'm going to get a lot of homework.

I do have plans to beat everybody at the Dutch GMC's latest competition. The rules require it to be a platform game so we'll see how well I'm going to be with that. The negative thing is that it's a popularity competition and that I try to make quality games with a target audience other then the avarage forum member there.

After lots of bugging by me the Dutch GMC also has added a game design forum which I'm currently in charge off. I'm trying to spark a discussion about  The Scratchware Manifesto but so far the replies are mostly like:
I like the quote of Ghandi the most: "First they ignore, then laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." But that's mainly because that phrase is used in a song by Robbie Williams.
Not exactly the type of responces I was hoping for. Hoping to see some more interesting comments on this at my discussion form.

Anyway, see you all later.

Weird flash, it was suggested by a colleuge of mine that geek factor is proportional to your enyojement of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (book, not movie). What are your thoughts on that? Highly recommandable book by the way.

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