When i first read that Hyun wanted to rename H Unit i was a little confused by it all. After all of the rumours and publicity, may it have been good or bad. We were to drop the name and move on.
The name choice was kind of put in the hands of the members, each of us suggesting some names and weeding it down to the best of them.
Then suddenly, it seemed out of no where, "eo" was suggested and Hyun and other members liked it and the name was set.
Now.. any of the other members might remember me absolutely hating the name at first (for reasons i won't mention), but after a few days it grew on me and it seemed like one of those unique names that breaks us away from the others.
Well, H Unit was kinda like that too, but over time a lot of "copy cat" groups started poping up with similar names but with the first letter changed... which was sort of annoying.
H Unit had a lot of enemys for some reason, my guess for this was jealousy. Jealous because we had some of the most well known and respected people in our ranks, and they just didn't like that. A lot of arguments were started over it for the simple reason people didn't understand what we were.
These people and others, thought we were some type of team, all working on the same game, but its really not like that. I heard it said best by Yourself, "If H Unit is a team, then so is the GMC". We are nothing but a community who from time to time might work on a game with each other.
Heres to eo, may it have the same success as H Unit did and more.

Sep '05
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