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Bacteria 2

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Jul '07
Re: one game every day Cactus // 16:18
That looks mighty interesting. I wish I could offer to make music, but my skills in that area are extremely limited :'(

Jul '07
Re: one game every day messhof // 22:54
here's a demo http://messhof.googlepages.com/BOOLARIUM.zip

i'm going to make a sandwich

Aug '07
Re: one game every day ChevyRay // 04:04
Crappinwhappers that's twitchy! I would have beaten the first level, but I think the title screen burnt out the brain cells necessary to comprehend what was happening.

i'm going to make a sandwich very happy
That's nice of you.

Aug '07
Re: one game every day Cactus // 13:05
I like it, but I can see why you want music. Feels a bit empty at the moment. I beat a level or two, and would've played more if I'd have had the time :)

I hope you find a composer. You could also check modarchive.org or chiptunes.org for some random decent/great music.

Aug '07
Re: one game every day Jabberwock // 18:44
That's crazy. I like it. Of course, Booloid was just about my favorite game ever, so... the controls are a lot tougher than the first two games, but the environments are just as crazy and interesting. In a different way, of course. I got 7100 points, I have no idea if that's good, awful, or what. It was fun, though.

I'd offer to compose for you, but I'm not really all that great at it, so I doubt you'd want my help anyway. :) Hope to see s'more of this someday.

Aug '07
Re: one game every day Ultimortal // 22:11
I find that the too tight left/right controls combined with the too weak upwards thrust makes for a confusing control scheme, and the huge explosions hamper your vision and hides enemy bullets (perhaps intentionally though). The time limit is very small, I made it to level 6 or so I think. Definitely more hectic than Booloid.

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