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Jul '07
Re: The Fate of Ellicia ChevyRay // 08:17
Oooh, thank you for that :). Actually, it's good to hear, and I must say that what you said sounded pretty reasonable too me, so I'm inclined to agree. I already had a way that I could more acutely make the story interact with the gameplay, because frankly the two are quite separate right now... but I think the changes to make the game fit your formula are quite necessary, as I've also found myself often bored with remote narrative... games like Kingdom Hearts, chain of memories were like that, and the story was hardly worth the boring drag it was to get through the gameplay... but games such as Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1 had my full attention... perhaps it had something to do with the way they portrayed the characters, and how the entire story itself seemed to revolve around them, and there was so much emphasis placed on it.

Jul '07
Re: The Fate of Ellicia Deadheat // 12:52
Yeah I have to say I enjoy the actual playing of the game more so then, watching all the little cutscenes. Unless it's something really well done and the storyline interests me a lot. Kingdom hearts bored me to tears, I had about 5 minutes of gameplay in the first hour, I mean geez c'mon. Metal Gear Solid, was one where I actually looked forward to seeing the cutscenes and when they started I wasn't in a hurry to see them finish! That was the original and the second, the third one didn't hold my attention, I'm not entirely sure why. Oh and I have a PSP, but nothing too great so far. Any recommendations for me to look out for?

Jul '07
Re: The Fate of Ellicia CosMind // 17:16
Oh and I have a PSP, but nothing too great so far. Any recommendations for me to look out for?

keep your eye out for:

- ecochrome
- patapon
- maybe dracula x chronicles if for some reason you haven't already played ps1's symphony of the night since '97 (it comes packed on the disc)

Jul '07
Re: The Fate of Ellicia Carnivac // 17:47
I definitely want Castlevania Symphony of the Night even though I've finished it countless times on PS1.  Might be easier to run than the emulated version though that works nicely too.

Also find the X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance games perfect for portability and Burnout on the move is great, 'cept my friend ain't lent me his PSP in months now.  Love what I've played of Metal Gear Portable Ops.  Pug recommended Killzone which is meant to be very good on PSP.  And I'm looking forward to having a portable God of War as well as I consider both the PS2 GoW games to be of the most absolute highest quality games can be.

I really would love to get into PSP game development.  My friends PSP had a background wallpaper consisting of most of my pixel art and I really loved how crisp and clear it all looked on that screen.  Like the widescreen resolution too.

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