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Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Cactus // 20:05
If I remember correctly, they let people submit content that they publish in the magazine. Very little is written by any staff members. I downloaded all issues a while ago (mainly to see if I was mentioned :P), but I didn't particularly like it. Knowing how bad it could've been, I'm not going to say that it's awful by any means. But I'm quite surprised that it's endorsed by the YoYo people.

I think it's a nice initiative that has a lot of room for improvement. I hope they manage to get their poop together once they've been around a bit longer.

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. David Lindberg // 23:30
I feel like a super-n00b now... I would be happy if anyone in here would send me a mail, telling me a few hints on what, and whatnot to do.


David/Igl00/I, Edge (I have many names)

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Joewoof // 09:39
Yeah, I agree with Shaltif and JakeX.

Really? Is that why you don't write reviews anymore?
Not really. It's a combination of a number of other reasons. Time's one. Health's another. Team's also an important one too. And of course, there was also the curse of having to deal with an absurdly problematic computer (already sold its parts).

Now that I've gotten a Mac instead, I won't be able to play as many GM games as before. I can install WinXP on my Mac, but my WinXP (like most of them in Thailand) was pirated, and I want to show my respect for IPR wherever it is possible (now, i'm using 100% legit stuff, yay).  I can rely on my dad's laptop, but since I get double-vision with old LCD screens, expect my reviews to come in short bursts during breaks.

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Pondwater // 19:05
Haven't been able to read everyone else's stuff again. =P But just would like to add:

=) Eden, this blogpost and opinion of yours in one which I definitely have to say, your background and skills as a reviewer more than qualifies you to critically comment. =)

JakeX: I love what you said. Perhaps, for quite a few us, it would definitely be of greater interest to understand what a game would be about so as to help us make the decision ourselves, rather than have that decision implicated for us.

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Jabberwock // 00:16
I agree with both JakeX and eden. There isn't really much more for me to say. Numbers in a review are meaningless; actually, Clysm has been talking about getting rid of numbered ratings for GMG for a long time.

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Carnivac // 13:42
Personally I don't bother reading reviews that don't have numbers, even if it's just one overall rating.  Most of the time I just don't care to spend time reading through stuff.  Number gives me a good idea what they thought of the game, and then if I like the idea of the game and it looks good to me in screens (am a sucker for quality 2D art) then I'll try the game myself and make my own mind up.

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Elmernite // 15:16
I have to agree with Carnivac on this one, I like number ratings. It gives you a nice overall idea without having to spend a bunch of time reading.


Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Carnivac // 15:52
helps when skimming through magazines on a shelf in a shop too.. the ones that you just have no intention of buying.  They don't let ya do that at the local newsagent anymore.  So I don't bother going in there, and instead buy my chocolate bars and soft drinks from the one in the other direction, so now the first one makes no money from me :)

I'm more curious why this one was picked as 'official'.  No disrespect to the author but I was just wondering why out of the several GM pdf mag things this one got picked ahead of the others.  What made it stand out?

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Cactus // 16:07
I also think that some kind of rating is a good thing. Although I'd settle for something like bad/average/good/great/amazing. From reading a lot of reviews I've often find the text contradict with the game's score, often the text make it sound like the game is good/excellent but the rating tells another story. At GMG for instance it also lets more than one person have a say in how good the game really is. I think ratings are mostly bad when it's a single person who's setting it, since personal preference makes reviews biased no matter how you look at it.

Jul '07
Re: Markup Magazine's Reviews are Terrible. Pondwater // 16:24
Carnivac... Wolv?

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