My website seems to have been hacked by someone at some point and a phishing page was added in one of the folders. It's been reported and now my website is gone. Shoot. I'm talking to my hosting site and hoping for the best, but now that my site has been reported it's been added to many lists that look after this, including Firefox. I may not be able to get it back. Kawanda was hosting it for free and I seriously doubt I can afford to pay for a site somewhere else so it might be the end of Blackrat Studios.
For anyone who does visit Blackrat Studios please keep an eye here to see what's going on.
Ablach Blackrat's blog
Sep '09
Sep '09
I just loaded up the main page and eveything looked fine to me.
Sep '09
Sep '09
Sep '09
Yeah, everything should be back to normal. It looks like someone hacked in and uploaded PHP files to phish account info from a bank down in the States. My web Host,, cleaned it out for me and reinstated the site so hopefully everything is fine now. I went through and found more PHP files in as well. They were named 'brown.php' and were hidden fairly well. I don't know why people do that. What's the point? People have already been fined huge amounts and sent to jail so it's hardly worth the return.
Sep '09
That's messed up. It's good everythings back to normal with your site though.
Pages: 2
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