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Ablach Blackrat
Jul '08
Paper Flight - Screenshot of Trophy Room Ablach Blackrat // 03:31 // 8 replies
Haven't done much on Paper Flight since I spent the last month or so moving, but I've started up again.  Here's a screen shot of the trophy room, with a bunch of the trophies on the wall.  They aren't conventional trophies; I just picked a bunch of items that wold never be used as trophies.  At first I drew them, but it looked like crap, so I changed it to photos.  There are fifty in total, but can be earned in bronze, silver or gold...Yes, you can win a bronze, silver or gold 'EO'.

Comments Comments
Jul '08
Re: Paper Flight - Screenshot of Trophy Room BBaller // 06:51
is it just me, or do the silver trophies appear teal/turquoise??

Jul '08
Re: Paper Flight - Screenshot of Trophy Room JakeX // 20:31
It's not just you.

Jul '08
Re: Paper Flight - Screenshot of Trophy Room Ablach Blackrat // 02:30
I'm going to assume that it's the screen shot.  In the game I'm using gray scale sprites blended to bronze, silver and gold.  For the silver I'm using 192,192,192, which is basically a light gray.  According to web safe colour palettes that is proper numbers for silver. I'm also using a slight fog to give depth so trophies closer to the player will appear a different color than those further away.

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