An Untitled Story finally released!
Matt Thorson // 04:16(If you've never heard of An Untitled Story, go to the Play section!)Phew. Glad to get that out of the way. Decided to release the game a bit early because it was done and I had received way more donations then expected. Now I just need to finish the CD-ROM version (to sell to my friends and at college) and it's done for good!
Finished the boxart this morning, thought you guys might
like to see it. It gives away one of the later Heist Mode stages... oops :P
Well, I hope everyone enjoys the game. It was a lot of fun to make. Well, usually. There were times when I wished I'd never started the project, but I got through it in the end (cue sappy music) so it was all worth it after all - even if it did take
2 years of my goddamn life :P Seriously though, overall I'd say it was a good experience and I learned a lot as an artist and as a game developer.
There is a lot of secret stuff, I tried to make sure it would keep people busy for a while. Here's a couple little details you might not otherwise notice:
F11 ingame to take a screenshot. The game automatically saves them to a screenshot folder in the executable's directory, and shouldn't overwrite any old screenshots with new ones, so take as many as you like. Press
F10 for a banner screenshot (centered on the player), and
F9 to disable to HUD before snapping one.
Record Sharing:When you beat the game, press Ctrl+C on the game overview screen to copy your results to the clipboard, then share them with your friends. Compete for lowest percent, lowest game clock, lowest deaths... anything, really.
If you donated money but didn't receive your copy
contact me immediately and I'll get it sorted out as soon as I get your email. You'll have to contact me via the same email address that you donated with, for security purposes.
Have fun!
-Matt 'YMM' Thorson
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
ChevyRay // 08:52Not real big on the box art, but I DO still like that font! :)
Good, good, good!
Remember, y'all, USE A GAMEPAD! :D Best thing I ever did for computer games was buy it, and this game proves it.
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Cactus // 18:32Probably gonna send a buck or two real soon. Just gotta pay admission fees for IGF, and see if I have anything to spare afterwards. Hate this whole transfer over the web thing, I'd gladly hand ya fifteen bucks from my pocket if I could.
The boxart didn't look good. White squares around the symmetrically aligned, untilted screenshots? A font for the title, instead of something handdrawn? Looks a bit rushed, in my opinion. If the game's got a sketchy style, you make a sketchy design for the cover, I'd say. Aside from the font, the front cover looks great, though. I'd even consider just taking out those screenshots (and redraw the title), and the whole cover would probably look ten times better :-*
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
CosMind // 18:42another suggestion for the box art front. zoom out much more than you currently are. this would establish a much more accurate sense of scale between the egg/statue and the world around them. from what i've tried of the game, one of the most notable aspects is the feeling of being a small being in a mysterious and massive world. i feel you should convey that on the cover - it would set the tone even before the player got down to firing the game up.
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Matt Thorson // 20:14Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm going to incorporate some of it (but I don't have the time to do an amazing job, so I suppose it is a bit rushed).
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Matt Thorson // 20:24There we go, just updated the boxart.
The egg is much smaller, and the screenshots have borders in the style of the game.
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Jabberwock // 00:05Sweet, sweet, sweet. I hope this wonderful creation brings you much success and money. I'd donate if I were in a position to do so.
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Carnivius Maximus // 00:08The screenshots on the game page only show as links to me. Is that correct?
cool game though. Actually only donated out of support to fellow indie gamers but turns out I quite enjoy the game too, so all is good...
I feel like singing a song...
but not here.
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Ultimortal // 00:57Will you be releasing the full game later, for those of us who are incapable of donating?
Re: An Untitled Story finally released!
Quimp // 04:48How do you send the game to the customers? Is it on a CD or do you send the complete version over e-mail (via a link, or whatever)? I love the graphics so far. I think I'll send you a few dollars over.
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