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Jun '07
Suffocating Heat Joewoof // 16:40
Minutes ago, I was choking on my own sweat because it won't evaporate away. It's 38 degrees Celcius  in Bangkok, Thailand today, with dreadful humidity to top it off. I mean, just imagine, I feel cooler in a sauna room (recalling from memory). That's 100.4F for you US folks. The steam that perpetually covers the ground makes it feel like 120F though. Ugh.

I blame Global Warming.

The sad irony of the day though, is that I'm probably contributing to Global Warming by recovering my homeostasis in an air-conditioned room. Not sure if there's any way around it though. I was on the verge of getting heat stroke... and that's not a pleasant experience. I'd rather freeze to death than have my brain cells boil away out of my eyes.

It's funny though, how I didn't feel hot when my friends were hurrying inside the air-conditioned paradise of the college library. I think I was on the edge of collapsing already... and my ability to sense temperature already shut off. It's at these times that I begin to lose my sanity too... I vaguely remember cracking jokes about dancing naked in the middle or the road... or did I? Bah.

Actually, I have quite a bit more to say (aside from the horrendous weather), but my eyelids aren't holding... so I'll save it for later.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat Cactus // 16:59
It's been quite hot over here too, at least 30?C. But I'm pretty sure it was higher than that. It's really a lot more bothersome than you think it'd be, I can't believe how people actually enjoy vacationing at tropical tourist resorts. Sweating is not that fun in my opinion.

Today's a bit better, though. Would love to sit out in a park and drink a few cans of cold beer with some friends.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat CosMind // 17:13
I blame Global Warming.

i blame macs.


It's been quite hot over here too...

where is "over here", exactly?

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat Joewoof // 17:19
Keep that in the other blog-thread, will you? Anti-Mac fanatics. :P

Anyway, 30C is wonderful. I usually keep my room temperature around 29C.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat Cactus // 17:34
It's been quite hot over here too...

where is "over here", exactly?
That'd be Sweden. Home of ABBA, Volvo and Ikea, among many other fantastic things.

I usually keep my room temperature around 29C.
"Keep"? You mean you like that temperature? I get some kind of heat blisters on my hands if it's a few degrees higher. My body must be rather sensitive. I much prefer something cooler, maybe around 20?C. That's just about perfect.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat Ablach Blackrat // 18:02
With the humidity here in Ottawa it hit nearly 50 Celsius on a couple days last year.  This summer may not be much better.

Global warming is warming the Earth, but not quick enough for anyone to notice.  It's a cyclical and natural event that takes thousands of years to complete (it's happening on Mars too...funny that, eh?).  We aren't going to feel the effects in a just a few short years.  Sorry, but I feel strongly about global warming, mainly because the eco-freaks are going to force my country in bankruptcy with their end-of-the-world prophesies.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat HiVE // 19:18
My body must be rather sensitive. I much prefer something cooler, maybe around 20?C. That's just about perfect.

Agreed - all hail Euro-climate lukewarmness.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat ChevyRay // 21:46
Not just euro :) 20C just about every day here. As a matter of fact, it's 22 right now, with a nice breeze outside. <3Canada.

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat Shadestorm // 22:38
Global warming is warming the Earth, but not quick enough for anyone to notice.  It's a cyclical and natural event that takes thousands of years to complete (it's happening on Mars too...funny that, eh?).  We aren't going to feel the effects in a just a few short years.  Sorry, but I feel strongly about global warming, mainly because the eco-freaks are going to force my country in bankruptcy with their end-of-the-world prophesies.

My same opinion. Go Ablach.

Not just euro :) 20C just about every day here. As a matter of fact, it's 22 right now, with a nice breeze outside. <3Canada.

Wait, you guys aren't freezing in an icebox right now? I thought Canada was the land of eternal blizzards...  :P

Jun '07
Re: Suffocating Heat Grashaboras // 23:45
Well instead of nice and warm we have cold and wet..during summer. There was a thunderstorm a couple of days ago and it managed to take out the power at work which is open 24h. Also whenever the thunder went off the dogs would start barking and when I went downstairs they broke out of thier room and went to my parents room to sleep.

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